SFC Andres Jimenez Uribe
Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Catskill NY Province

Gamma-Epsilon Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Gamma-Zeta Hartwick College
Sigma-Epsilon State University of New York - Oneonta
Upsilon-Phi SUNY Delhi

Andrew C. Parrish
Grand Province Advisor

Andrew graduated from Susquehanna University where he became a member of TKE in 2012 as a freshman. Currently, he lives and works in Washington, DC where also serves as Treasurer of the DC Area TKE Alumni Association and board chair for a local TKE chapter.

Region #1 - Chesapeake Province (MD & WV)

Alpha-Pi George Washington University
Epsilon-Xi Shepherd University
Upsilon-Theta University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Matthew G. Davis
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Matthew graduated from Lebanon Valley College in 2023 with a degree in Political Science & History, minoring in Common Law and Spanish. He currently works in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and lives in York, PA.
Initiated into the Rho-Chi chapter at LVC in 2020, Matthew served as Histor and a two-term Prytanis. He is also a graduate of the 35th Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy, served on the Collegiate Advisory Committee, and is a Top TEKE recipient. Frater Matthew began volunteering for the Rho-Chi chapter as an Assistant Chapter Advisor shortly before taking on the role of Grand Province Advisor for the Dutch Province.

Region #1 - Dutch Province (Central PA)

Omicron-Upsilon York College of Pennsylvania
Rho-Chi Lebanon Valley College
Rho-Psi Millersville University

Tom A. Muscarella
Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Empire Province (Upstate NY)

Delta-Chi Gannon University
Iota-Zeta Syracuse University
Xi-Upsilon Rochester Institute of Technology
Pi-Mu Buffalo State University

Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Garden State Province (New Jersey)

Kappa-Eta New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tau-Lambda Kean University
Tau-Theta Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
Tau-Delta New Jersey City University
Nu-Omega William Paterson University
Sigma-Upsilon Ramapo College of New Jersey

Pat Gordon
Grand Province Advisor

Pat Gordon was a founding father of the TKE chapter at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. After growing up in many locations and a few countries, and spending many years as a part-time college student, Pat finally settled in Ottawa where he is a manager with the Government of Canada. Pat has been serving as the Grand Province Advisor for the International Province for well over a decade. Pat is a proudly serving member of the Canadian Army Reserve, and through his deployments, has traveled the continent and the world. He has many outdoor passions and is a first responder with the Canadian Ski Patrol.

Region #1 - International Province (Canada)

Iota-Kappa Clarkson University
Sigma-Gamma State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Upsilon-Eta University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Upsilon-Kappa Trent University

Matthew G. Davis
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Matthew graduated from Lebanon Valley College in 2023 with a degree in Political Science & History, minoring in Common Law and Spanish. He currently works in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and lives in York, PA.
Initiated into the Rho-Chi chapter at LVC in 2020, Matthew served as Histor and a two-term Prytanis. He is also a graduate of the 35th Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy, served on the Collegiate Advisory Committee, and is a Top TEKE recipient. Frater Matthew began volunteering for the Rho-Chi chapter as an Assistant Chapter Advisor shortly before taking on the role of Grand Province Advisor for the Dutch Province.

Region #1 - Keystone Province (Eastern PA)

Pi Pennsylvania State University
Delta-Phi Saint Francis University
Iota-Beta Susquehanna University
Mu-Theta Lycoming College
Pi-Beta Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Jeremy M. Chobot
Grand Province Advisor

Jeremy works out of Ewing, New Jersey, as a Research Engineer in the Chemical Business group of Universal Display Corporation. He uses his B.S. in Physics and Mathematics as well as his M.S. in Applied Data Science to ensure the quality and acceptance of chemicals used in the global electronics markets. Jeremy lives with his wife, Lora, in Yardley, PA. In addition to working with TKE at his home chapter at Lycoming College along with other chapters in central PA., he enjoys spending some free time in the winter skiing across northern PA. In addition to TKE, Jeremy serves as an advisor for the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education.

Region #1 - Liberty Province (New Jersey/Philadelphia)

Alpha-Tau Drexel University
Epsilon-Zeta Rider University
Theta-Lambda Widener University
Mu-Alpha West Chester University
Nu-Pi University of Delaware
Pi-Chi Rutgers University-Camden
Phi-Beta The College of New Jersey

Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Long Island Province

Theta-Kappa Long Island University, Post
Xi-Gamma New York Institute of Technology
Rho-Eta SUNY-Stony Brook
Upsilon-Upsilon Farmingdale State College

PJ S. Malafronte Jr.
Grand Province Advisor

Frater PJ (Sigma-Kappa) graduated from Merrimack College in 2020 with a BS in Marketing. Frater PJ is a graduate of TKELA XXXIII and a 2020 International Top Teke. Following his graduation in 2020, he served the TKE Professional Staff as an Expansion Coordinator and then Director of Expansion where he helped charter/ re-charter 10+ chapters throughout TKE Nation. In addition to his role as GPA, he also serves as Assistant Chapter Advisor for the Kappa-Psi Chapter. He currently works at Austin Prep, an Augustinian-Catholic, Independent school in the Boston Area, as Special Projects Manager.

Region #1 - Michael J. Morin Province (MA, ME, NH, RI)

Alpha-Nu University of New Hampshire
Alpha-Rho University of Rhode Island
Beta-Upsilon University of Maine - Orono
Epsilon-Delta University of Massachusetts Amherst
Zeta-Mu Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Zeta-Xi Emerging Chapter Boston University
Lambda-Phi Bryant University
Sigma-Kappa Merrimack College

Johnny A. Guzman
Grand Province Advisor

Johnny Guzman, also known as Johnny Tsunami, is an alumnus of Fairmont State University where he joined the Fraternity in 2012. Johnny graduated with a degree in business administration and works in telecommunication sales.

Region #1 - Mountain State Province (West Virginia)

Rho West Virginia University
Alpha-Psi Emerging Chapter Davis & Elkins College
Theta-Delta Fairmont State University
Iota-Xi Concord University

Dylan Vidoli
Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - New York City Province

Zeta-Alpha Wagner College
Kappa-Sigma City College of New York
Upsilon-Lambda College of Staten Island
Upsilon-Chi St. Francis College

Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Steel Republic Province (Western PA)

Nu-Phi Duquesne University
Tau-Phi University of Pittsburgh

Christian L. Pedersen
Grand Province Advisor

Region #1 - Whalers Province (Connecticut)

Delta-Gamma University of Connecticut
Kappa-Psi Quinnipiac University
Tau-Eta Southern Connecticut State University
Tau-Zeta Western Connecticut State University

Will D. Pearson
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Alabama Province

Beta-Lambda Auburn University
Lambda-Zeta Troy University
Omicron-Xi University of Alabama
Upsilon-Alpha Spring Hill College

Edwin D. Robinson
Grand Province Advisor

A native of Sarasota, Florida, Frater Edwin D. Robinson initiated into TKE in 1995 at Southeastern Louisiana University. Frater Robinson's involvement as an Alumni Volunteer has been a staple of his life for over ten years. He is currently serving as Grand Province Advisor for the Apollo Province (FL). He received his associate degree from Keiser University in 2016 and is working toward his Bachelor's Elementary Education at Western Governors University. Frater Robinson served his country in the United States Air Force from 1990-1992 and is the Commander of TKE Order of the Shield, which recognizes Fraters who have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces. Frater Robinson serves veterans facing homelessness as a manager with Turning Points in Bradenton, FL. Edwin's community passions include his work in Men's Ministry at Bayside Community Church, four years as a Big Brother, and other veterans-related organizations, including the Travis Manion Foundation. 

Region #2 - Apollo Province (Florida)

Gamma-Delta University of Miami
Gamma-Theta University of Florida
Epsilon-Beta University of Tampa
Zeta-Phi Rollins College
Lambda-Iota Florida State University
Xi-Iota University of Central Florida
Omicron-Nu Florida Institute of Technology
Sigma-Alpha Emerging Chapter Florida International University
Sigma-Theta Saint Leo University

Frank G. Bennett
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Cajun Province (Louisiana)

Beta-Zeta Louisiana Tech University
Beta-Phi Louisiana State University
Epsilon-Upsilon Northwestern State University
Theta-Nu Southeastern Louisiana University
Iota-Theta Centenary College of Louisiana
Mu-Zeta Nicholls State University
Omicron-Kappa Chapter University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Mr. Matthew R. Milligan
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Cochran Province (South Carolina)

Rho-Omega University of South Carolina
Sigma-Psi Clemson University
Tau-Sigma Francis Marion University

Joseph D. Moss
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Endeavor Province (North Carolina)

Beta-Beta North Carolina State University
Lambda-Psi East Carolina University
Mu-Chi University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Josh G. Indech
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Georgia Province

Beta-Pi Georgia Institute of Technology
Zeta-Nu Valdosta State University
Lambda-Upsilon Georgia Southern University
Xi-Theta University of West Georgia
Xi-Chi Kennesaw State University

Atty Johnny G. Beech ESQ
Grand Province Advisor

Johnny Beech and his wife have called Edmond, Oklahoma, home for many years. He has been a TKE volunteer for many years, having served as the BOA chairman and Alumni Association president for the Southwestern Oklahoma State University chapter and is now serving as the Grand Province Advisor for the Heartland Province in the state of Oklahoma. Johnny earned law degrees from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and Tulane University. He works for Spencer Fane in Little Rock, where his practice focuses on commercial law and banking, business formations, real estate and estate planning. He also teaches as an adjunct professor in the SWOSU College of Professional and Graduate Studies and is an active volunteer with his church group.

Region #2 - Heartland Province (Oklahoma)

Epsilon-Eta Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Sigma-Lambda Northeastern State University

Col (Ret) George Torres Jr.
Grand Province Advisor

George Torres (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), served thirty years in the United States Air Force. He held several key positions of command and leadership in the Nuclear Weapons (ICBM/Bombers/Joint) Operations, Maintenance and Munitions disciplines at wing, and HHQ Command levels. He earned his commission through the ROTC program at the University of Oklahoma in 1981. George lives in Fort Worth, TX, and is active in multiple community activities. He and his wife Nancey have one son.

Region #2 - Lonestar United Province (Texas)

Gamma-Upsilon University of Texas at Austin
Epsilon-Omicron University of Houston
Kappa-Beta University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
Nu-Xi Stephen F. Austin State University
Omicron-Pi Baylor University
Omicron-Rho Texas Tech University
Pi-Eta Texas A & M University
Pi-Theta University of Texas at San Antonio
Rho-Rho Sam Houston State University

Mr. Jonathan Fili
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Jonathan Fili is an alumnus of Christian Brothers University, where he received his Bachelor's of Engineering Physics. While at CBU, Frater Fili was very active in the chapter and also met his now wife and former Sweetheart, Dr. Cameron Fili, while supporting the chapter as an undergraduate member. After completing a graduate degree at Mississippi State University, Frater Fili returned to Memphis and began volunteering with TKE in earnest. He currently serves as the Grand Province Advisor for both the Natural State (AR) and Volunteer (TN) Provinces. Frater Fili currently works with dams, levees, and locks in the Little Rock District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers' infrastructure safety field. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar and musical theatre, and lives with his veterinarian wife, two corgis, a three-legged cat and a snake.

Region #2 - Natural State Province (Arkansas)

Beta-Psi Emerging Chapter Arkansas State University
Xi-Tau Lyon College

Jordan T. Parker
Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Thoroughbred Province (Kentucky)

Mu-Beta Eastern Kentucky University
Mu-Sigma Emerging Chapter Morehead State University
Pi-Omicron Northern Kentucky University
Alpha-Chi University of Louisville

Grand Province Advisor

Region #2 - Virginia Province

Gamma-Omicron University of Virginia
Mu-Tau Emerging Chapter James Madison University
Mu-Omega George Mason University
Xi-Omega Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Mr. Jonathan Fili
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Jonathan Fili is an alumnus of Christian Brothers University, where he received his Bachelor's of Engineering Physics. While at CBU, Frater Fili was very active in the chapter and also met his now wife and former Sweetheart, Dr. Cameron Fili, while supporting the chapter as an undergraduate member. After completing a graduate degree at Mississippi State University, Frater Fili returned to Memphis and began volunteering with TKE in earnest. He currently serves as the Grand Province Advisor for both the Natural State (AR) and Volunteer (TN) Provinces. Frater Fili currently works with dams, levees, and locks in the Little Rock District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers' infrastructure safety field. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar and musical theatre, and lives with his veterinarian wife, two corgis, a three-legged cat and a snake.

Region #2 - Volunteer Province (Tennessee)

Mu-Omicron Tennessee Technological University
Pi-Epsilon Christian Brothers University

Cameron T. Gulley
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Cameron Gulley joined the Tau-Nu chapter in 2010, serving as Prytanis, Hegemon, Histor, and Rush Chairman. He graduated from Shawnee State University with degrees in Plastic Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Frater Gulley has worked for Procter & Gamble for 10 years as an engineer; developing processes to improve efficiency, reliability and sustainability for both plastic and paper products. Cameron was recognized as a Top Teke Recruiter in 2012 and attended the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy XXVI. He currently serves as Board Chairmen for the Tau-Nu chapter and resides in Ohio with his wife Kortney and their cats and chickens.

Region #3 - Buckeye Province (Southern Ohio)

Omicron Emerging Chapter The Ohio State University
Alpha-Beta Ohio University
Delta-Xi Miami University
Lambda-Gamma University of Cincinnati
Rho-Pi Emerging Chapter University of Rio Grande
Tau-Nu Shawnee State University

Brandon M. Rick
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Brandon Rick joined the Beta chapter in 2002, graduating from Millikin University in 2004 with a degree in Accounting. Professionally, Brandon has worked for a Fortune 50 global Agri-business for over 10 years, first in accounting and now focusing efforts on continuous improvement and sustainability within the company’s global transportation sub-segment.  As an active alumni volunteer since 2012, Brandon has served as Beta’s Chapter Advisor, Housing Corps Chairman, and on the Beta BOA, as well as Province advisor in the Founders Province. He resides in Maroa, IL with his wife, Meghan and has two children, Jaylee and Hudson. He enjoys watching the St. Louis Cardinals, Staley Bears, and the University of George Halas.

Region #3 - Founders Province (Illinois)

Alpha Illinois Wesleyan University
Beta Millikin University
Delta Knox College
Iota Eureka College
Zeta-Theta Western Illinois University
Mu-Upsilon Illinois State University
Gamma Emerging Chapter University of Illinois

William E. Shelton
Grand Province Advisor

Bill Shelton is the President and CEO of The Paramount Marketing Group of Companies Worldwide. Residing in Columbia, MO, Bill has three children, one of whom is a Teke, and two grandsons. Bill is the Grand Province Advisor for the Gateway Province United. Beginning his education in 1975 at Culver-Stockton College, he then transferred to and was initiated at Northeast Missouri State University (Truman State University). Traveling the country is one of the Shelton household's favorites. Bill serves on the board for two TKE chapters as well as the University of Missouri consortium, Regional Economic Development Inc. for the City of Columbia.

Region #3 - Gateway Province United (KS & MO)

Xi Washington University
Beta-Eta Missouri University of Science and Technology
Beta-Theta University of Missouri-Columbia
Beta-Chi Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Beta-Omega Missouri State University
Delta-Zeta Southeast Missouri State University
Delta-Lambda University of Central Missouri
Delta-Nu Northwest Missouri State University
Epsilon-Alpha Saint Louis University
Zeta-Pi Culver-Stockton College
Kappa-Nu Rockhurst University

Mr. Simon C. Teong
Grand Province Advisor

Simon Teong is an Aquatic Coordinator who promotes fitness and safety around aquatic environments in the City of Toronto. Simon continues to support multiple organizations, most notably the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada, by delivering their national aquatic programs in Canada and continues to volunteer with the Society's motto of "Whomever you see in distress, recognize in them a fellow human being." Simon holds an Honours Bachelor's of Commerce in Business Management from Trent University.

Region #3 - Gitche Gumee Province (UP Michigan)

Theta-Iota Northern Michigan University
Mu-Lambda Michigan Technological University
Rho-Theta Lake Superior State University

Drew P. Cataldo
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Drew Cataldo was initiated at Grand Valley State University (Rho-Sigma Chapter), where he served as Hypophetes and Prytanis before graduating in with a B.S. Public Administration. Frater Cataldo is a graduate of the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy IV and a Knight of Apollo working on TKE Staff after graduation. He has also served in several volunteer roles over the years including Chapter Advisor at Michigan State University (Rho-Beta), Leadership Academy Selection Committee, Alumni Advisory Committee, LLT Champions, and Foundation Scholarship Committee. Professionally, Frater Cataldo has spent over 25 years in technology sales leadership, currently serving as Vice President of Sales for Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA Inc. where he leads Dealer Channel Security Sales, as well as Motorsports B2B Sales. Drew and his wife Victoria have three grown children and a beautiful granddaughter. Their son Jack (Zeta-Delta) is also a Teke from Zeta-Delta Chapter at Alma College, is a Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Leadership Academy XXXIV graduate and 2024 Top Teke Award recipient. These Fraters were the first legacy father and son Leadership Academy graduates.

Region #3 - Great Lakes Province (Michigan)

Omega Albion College
Beta-Epsilon Trine University
Delta-Pi Eastern Michigan University
Zeta-Delta Alma College
Theta-Omicron Adrian College
Rho-Beta Michigan State University
Rho-Epsilon Northwood University
Rho-Tau University of Michigan-Dearborn
Upsilon Emerging Chapter University of Michigan
Upsilon-Delta Saginaw Valley State University

Mr. Dave B. Raddatz
Grand Province Advisor

Dave Raddatz works as a Paralegal focusing on workers' compensation defense in Omaha.  Dave has been a chapter volunteer as well as a province advisor and served on TKE's Finance Committee for the 2001-2003 biennium. He works as a high school and college volleyball official during the fall season and enjoys spending time with his wife, Rocio, and their two dogs, a Labrador/St. Bernard mix and a Great Pyrenees.

Region #3 - Great Plains Province (IA, ND, NE, SD)

Epsilon Iowa State University
Zeta Coe College
Alpha-Xi Drake University
Theta-Eta University of South Dakota
Lambda-Eta University of Iowa

Shane L. Ranschaert
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Shane Ranschaert, originally from Louisville, KY, initiated at the Zeta-Beta chapter at the University of Evansville where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History, and a minor in Legal Studies, with a Pre-professionalization in law. Shane has served as Chapter Advisor, and sits on the Housing Corporation Board for Zeta-Beta. Outside of TKE, Shane works in the nonprofit sector, enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with his Coonhound, Charlie. Shane is also a member of the Phi Kappa Phi honors society.

Region #3 - Hoosier Province (Indiana)

Alpha-Alpha Wabash College
Alpha-Zeta Purdue University
Gamma-Rho Indiana State University
Zeta-Beta University of Evansville
Nu-Lambda University of Southern Indiana
Omicron-Sigma Indiana University Southeast
Rho-Upsilon Franklin College
Upsilon-Iota Indiana University Indianapolis

Grand Province Advisor

Region #3 - Horseshoe Province (Wisconsin)

Kappa Beloit College
Lambda University of Wisconsin-Madison
Iota-Omicron University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Mu-Nu University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Sigma-Xi St. Norbert College

Grand Province Advisor

Region #3 - Minnesota Province

Theta University of Minnesota
Delta-Psi North Dakota State University
Theta-Rho St. Cloud State University
Theta-Tau Minnesota State University, Mankato
Upsilon-Gamma University of Minnesota Duluth

Bill Rhodes
Grand Province Advisor

Bill Rhodes initiated into TKE at the University of Akron in 1982. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with two degrees (Computer Programming and Post Secondary Education). He served as District President for Ohio in the mid to late-1980's, worked on TKE Staff for several years in the early '90s, and lived in the Indianapolis area off and on until 2012. Returning to Ohio, he completed a third degree in Radiology and is now semi-retired after great careers in association management and healthcare. He serves as the Chapter Advisor for his home chapter and enjoys vacationing in the National Parks, reading non-fiction, and riding his bicycle.

Region #3 - Northern Ohio Province

Beta-Rho University of Akron
Delta-Epsilon Cleveland State University
Zeta-Lambda Bowling Green State University
Iota-Pi Kent State University

Mr. Owen J. Fayer
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Owen Fayer is a graduate of Western Michigan University and initiated into the Delta-Alpha chapter. He is currently a member of the TKE Foundation Business Council. Professionally, Frater Fayer is the owner of Fayer Forte Consulting.

Region #3 - Windy City Province (Chicago)

Delta-Eta Northern Illinois University
Epsilon-Kappa Loyola University Chicago
Nu-Iota Emerging Chapter University of Illinois at Chicago

Mr. Chad J. Lewis
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Chad initiated at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Gamma-Iota Chapter in 2016. He graduated in May of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a minor in business entrepreneurship. While an active member of his chapter he served as the Grammateus, Alumni Relations Chair, Chief Justice, Advisor to the Executive Board, and had the privilege to serve on TKE’s Collegiate Advisory Committee. He is a graduate of the 31st Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy. As an Alumni volunteer, he currently serves as the Front Range Province’s Grand Province Advisor and is the president of the Board of Advisors for the Gamma-Iota Chapter.  

Professionally, Chad is a Software Engineer working in Cybersecurity. Chad is excited to work with the growing chapters in the Front Range Province to push them to the Top of TKE Nation.

Region #4 - Front Range Colorado Province

Gamma-Beta Emerging Chapter Colorado State University
Gamma-Iota University of Colorado at Boulder
TKE Expansion 886 - UC Denver Expansion University of Colorado Denver

Anthony J. Wright
Grand Province Advisor

Anthony graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and has volunteered with TKE as a Province Advisor, Grand Province Advisor, Board of Advisors member and as a facilitator at Regional Leadership Conferences. Professionally he works in government and has been with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the past ten years. He currently serves as the Director of FEMA's Public Assistance Consolidated Resouce Center, West in Sacramento, CA. In addition to his volunteer work with TKE, he also serves with the Civil Air Patrol, the civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force, performing aerial search and rescue and aerospace education and cadet programs for teenage youth.

Region #4 - Northern California Province

Nu University of California, Berkeley
Theta-Pi Emerging Chapter California State University, Chico
Theta-Upsilon California State University, Sacramento
Pi-Iota University of Nevada, Reno
Sigma-Chi University of California, Davis
Upsilon-Psi California State University-East Bay
Upsilon-Pi University of California-Santa Cruz
Upsilon-Omega Santa Clara University

LTC (RET) Charles W. Gregory
Grand Province Advisor

Frater Chuck Gregory initiated into TKE in 1989 at Emporia State University where he earned a U.S. Army Commission through ROTC and a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences. Originally commissioned into the Field Artillery he served for over 20 years around the globe in a variety of units, including Airborne and Special Operations. Putting a priority on education, after retirement he went on to earn an MBA from Colorado State and MPH from the George Washington University. He is currently an Operational Response Planner with FEMA and is completing his Doctor of Public Health through the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He splits his time between work in Kansas City and his home in Colorado where he resides with his family and his Harley. In addition to volunteer work with TKE, he also serves in the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Coast Guard.

Region #4 - Pacific Northwest Province (AK,ID,OR,WA)

Tau Oregon State University
Chi University of Washington
Alpha-Gamma Washington State University
Alpha-Delta University of Idaho
Alpha-Theta Whitman College
Gamma-Eta Idaho State University
Nu-Eta Boise State University
Phi-Alpha University of Alaska

Darren J. Renna
Grand Province Advisor

Region #4 - Southern California Province

Beta-Sigma University of Southern California
Gamma-Lambda San Diego State University
Delta-Theta California State University, Long Beach
Mu-Xi California State University, Fullerton
Pi-Xi University of California, San Diego
Rho-Delta Cal Poly Pomona
Tau-Epsilon Tau-Epsilon

Ziggy M. Benware
Grand Province Advisor

James was initiated into TKE in 1990 at St. Norbert College (Wisconsin) and graduated with a bachelor's degree in history. He spent over 14 years working as a paralegal in several law firms in Illinois and Wisconsin, and in 2004 transitioned to the financial services industry and currently works for Union Bank. Having served as the Grand Province Advisor for Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, James now lives in San Tan Valley, Arizona, with his wife and three children. He serves as the Southwest Grand Province Advisor for Arizona, New Mexico and southern Nevada.  He enjoys being a civil war living historian, brewing his own beer and playing Dungeons and Dragons. James also volunteers with Ryan's House in Phoenix and the Arizona Burn Foundation.

Region #4 - Southwest Province (AZ & NM)

Alpha-Omicron New Mexico State University
Epsilon-Rho Emerging Northern Arizona University
Kappa-Tau University of Arizona
Pi-Lambda University of Nevada, Las Vegas