Conclave 2024 (62)

August 1 - 4, 2024 - Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa (Ponte Vedra Beach, FL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMike J. McEvilly 65.85 Beta-EtaMissouri University of Science and TechnologyAugust 3, 2024 
Grand EpiprytanisMGEN Chuck W. Whittington Jr. 60.77 Pi-PsiUniversity of Southern MississippiAugust 3, 2024 
Grand GrammateusJim H. Johnston 70.01 Epsilon-EtaSouthwestern Oklahoma State UniversityAugust 3, 2024 
Grand CrysophylosPatrick J. McElroy 39.42 Iota-BetaSusquehanna UniversityAugust 3, 2024 
Grand HistorJohn K. Fabsits 42.42 Xi-EtaMissouri Western State UniversityAugust 3, 2024 
Grand HypophetesCole Conner 26.98 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 3, 2024 
Grand PylortesAnthony Clemens 47.39 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 3, 2024 
Grand HegemonAlexander Rudloff 43.46 Xi-IotaUniversity of Central FloridaAugust 3, 2024 
Grand Council at LargeGregory T. Halloran 33.43 Sigma-GammaState University of New York at PlattsburghAugust 1, 2024 
Grand Council at LargeErich M. Ploog 53.26 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 3, 2024 
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativePhillip W. Hartke 20.30 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleSeptember 19, 2024September 19, 2026

Conclave 2022 (61)

July 24 - 27, 2022 - Marriott Marquis Houston (Houston, TX)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisRyan J. Vescio Esq. 42.79 Rho-OmegaUniversity of South CarolinaJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand EpiprytanisMike J. McEvilly 63.82 Beta-EtaMissouri University of Science and TechnologyJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand GrammateusJim H. Johnston 67.98 Epsilon-EtaSouthwestern Oklahoma State UniversityJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand CrysophylosErich M. Ploog 51.24 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand HistorShimmy Mehta 46.93 Theta-ZetaRutgers University, NewarkJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand HypophetesEdward E. Daizovi 59.25 Alpha-ZetaPurdue UniversityJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand PylortesJohn K. Fabsits 40.40 Xi-EtaMissouri Western State UniversityJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand HegemonCole Conner 24.96 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand Council at LargeMGEN Chuck W. Whittington Jr. 58.75 Pi-PsiUniversity of Southern MississippiJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Grand Council at LargeAlexander Rudloff 41.43 Xi-IotaUniversity of Central FloridaJuly 26, 2022August 3, 2024
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeDrew T. Solt 20.61 RhoWest Virginia UniversityOctober 12, 2022August 3, 2024

Conclave 2019 (60)

August 1 - 4, 2019 - Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJames Hickey Ph.D. 46.96 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 1, 2019September 28, 2021
Grand EpiprytanisTed W. Bereswill 61.29 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 1, 2019September 28, 2021
Grand GrammateusRyan J. Vescio Esq. 39.81 Rho-OmegaUniversity of South CarolinaAugust 1, 2019October 7, 2021
Grand CrysophylosMichael G. Beals 30.84 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 1, 2019July 26, 2022
Grand HistorRob J. Guarini 40.97 Sigma-NuState University of New York at New PaltzAugust 1, 2019July 26, 2022
Grand HypophetesAnthony Clemens 42.38 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 1, 2019July 26, 2022
Grand PylortesJim H. Johnston 65.00 Epsilon-EtaSouthwestern Oklahoma State UniversityAugust 1, 2019July 26, 2022
Grand HegemonMike J. McEvilly 60.84 Beta-EtaMissouri University of Science and TechnologyAugust 1, 2019October 8, 2021
Grand Council at LargeErich M. Ploog 48.26 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 1, 2019October 8, 2021
Grand Council at LargeJP P. Fitzgerald 39.82 Grand ChapterGrand ChapterAugust 1, 2019September 23, 2021
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeCole Conner 22.10 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonSeptember 16, 2019July 26, 2022

Conclave 2017 (59)

August 3 - 6, 2017 - Hyatt Regency New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisChristopher T. Hanson 39.59 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand EpiprytanisJames Hickey Ph.D. 44.97 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand GrammateusTed W. Bereswill 59.30 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand CrysophylosRyan J. Vescio Esq. 37.81 Rho-OmegaUniversity of South CarolinaAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand HistorBrian D. Montgomery 61.00 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 3, 2017June 4, 2018
Grand HistorMGEN Chuck W. Whittington Jr. 54.70 Pi-PsiUniversity of Southern MississippiJuly 8, 2018July 31, 2019
Grand HypophetesAnthony Clemens 40.39 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand PylortesRob J. Guarini 38.98 Sigma-NuState University of New York at New PaltzAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand HegemonJohn K. Fabsits 35.42 Xi-EtaMissouri Western State UniversityAugust 3, 2017July 31, 2019
Grand Council at LargeMGEN Chuck W. Whittington Jr. 53.93 Pi-PsiUniversity of Southern MississippiSeptember 29, 2017July 7, 2018
Grand Council at LargeMichael G. Beals 29.21 EpsilonIowa State UniversityDecember 15, 2017August 2, 2019
Grand Council at LargeMike J. McEvilly 60.11 Beta-EtaMissouri University of Science and TechnologyNovember 7, 2018July 31, 2019
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeZain Islam 22.73 Upsilon-MuNew York Institute of Technology-ManhattanJanuary 23, 2018August 2, 2019

Conclave 2015 (58)

August 6 - 9, 2015 - New Orleans Marriott (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisRod Talbot 58.53 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand EpiprytanisChristopher T. Hanson 37.59 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand GrammateusTed W. Bereswill 57.30 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand CrysophylosJames Hickey Ph.D. 42.98 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand HistorBrian D. Montgomery 59.01 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand HypophetesFritz T. Jacobi 62.07 Lambda-AlphaUniversity of South FloridaAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand PylortesRyan J. Vescio Esq. 35.82 Rho-OmegaUniversity of South CarolinaAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand HegemonAnthony Clemens 38.39 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 6, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand Council at LargeRob J. Guarini 37.12 Sigma-NuState University of New York at New PaltzSeptember 25, 2015August 2, 2017
Grand Council at LargePeter Sobich 48.01 ChiUniversity of WashingtonDecember 17, 2015August 5, 2017
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeShaun Taylor 20.28 Xi-OmegaVirginia Polytechnic InstituteOctober 14, 2013August 9, 2015
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeJonah D. Chadwick Griego 20.09 Tau-PsiUniversity of West FloridaAugust 28, 2015August 5, 2017

Conclave 2013 (57)

August 8 - 11, 2013 - Grand Hyatt Washington (Washington, DC)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisHonorable Bob Barr 64.76 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand EpiprytanisRod Talbot 56.54 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand GrammateusFritz T. Jacobi 60.08 Lambda-AlphaUniversity of South FloridaAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand CrysophylosChristopher T. Hanson 35.60 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand HistorJames Hickey Ph.D. 40.98 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand HypophetesDavid L. Bohline 45.77 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand PylortesBrian D. Montgomery 57.02 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand HegemonAnthony Clemens 36.40 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand Council at LargeDr. Van Muse Jr. 44.88 Beta-RhoUniversity of AkronAugust 8, 2013August 5, 2015
Grand Council at LargeTed W. Bereswill 55.43 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinSeptember 20, 2013August 5, 2015
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeSean Finn 20.33 Tau-OmegaCarleton UniversityAugust 10, 2011October 14, 2013
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeShaun Taylor 20.28 Xi-OmegaVirginia Polytechnic InstituteOctober 14, 2013August 9, 2015

Conclave 2011 (56)

August 4 - 7, 2011 - Grand Hyatt San Antonio (San Antonio, TX)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisHonorable Ed C. Moy 53.89 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand EpiprytanisHonorable Bob Barr 62.74 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand GrammateusFritz T. Jacobi 58.07 Lambda-AlphaUniversity of South FloridaAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand CrysophylosRod Talbot 54.52 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand HistorChristopher T. Hanson 33.59 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand HypophetesJames Hickey Ph.D. 38.97 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 4, 2011August 7, 2013
Grand PylortesShawn A. Babine 44.87 Lambda-DeltaUniversity of Southern MaineAugust 4, 2011May 7, 2012
Grand PylortesRob W. Jefferis 29.20 Omicron-NuFlorida Institute of TechnologyAugust 2, 2012August 7, 2013
Grand HegemonRob W. Jefferis 28.22 Omicron-NuFlorida Institute of TechnologyAugust 10, 2011August 1, 2012
Grand HegemonBrian D. Montgomery 56.01 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinAugust 4, 2012August 10, 2013
Grand Council at LargeGregory L. Geoffroy, Ph.D 65.23 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleSeptember 29, 2011August 10, 2013
Grand Council at LargeBrian D. Montgomery 55.16 Gamma-UpsilonUniversity of Texas at AustinSeptember 29, 2011July 31, 2012
Grand Council at LargeAnthony Clemens 35.46 Nu-MuUniversity of South AlabamaAugust 31, 2012August 7, 2013
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeMichael G. Beals 21.33 EpsilonIowa State UniversityJanuary 26, 2010August 9, 2011
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeSean Finn 20.33 Tau-OmegaCarleton UniversityAugust 10, 2011October 14, 2013

Conclave 2009 (55)

August 6 - 9, 2009 - New Orleans Marriott (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDr. Herb L. Songer 66.33 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversityAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand EpiprytanisHonorable Ed C. Moy 51.90 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand GrammateusHonorable Bob Barr 60.75 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand CrysophylosRod Talbot 52.53 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand HistorBobby A. Jarred 44.96 Omicron-Kappa ChapterUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand HypophetesChristopher T. Hanson 31.59 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand PylortesJames Hickey Ph.D. 36.98 Zeta-AlphaWagner CollegeAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand HegemonShawn A. Babine 42.87 Lambda-DeltaUniversity of Southern MaineAugust 6, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand Council at LargeCorey G. Mathews, CAE 31.57 Gamma-ThetaUniversity of FloridaNovember 30, 2009August 3, 2011
Grand Council at LargeFritz T. Jacobi 57.28 Lambda-AlphaUniversity of South FloridaOctober 19, 2010August 3, 2011
Collegiate Advisory Committee RepresentativeMichael G. Beals 21.33 EpsilonIowa State UniversityJanuary 26, 2010August 9, 2011

Conclave 2007 (54)

August 5 - 7, 2007 - Riviera Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, NV)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMark K. Johnson 50.90 Nu-Theta ExpansionUniversity of UtahAugust 5, 2007August 5, 2009
Grand EpiprytanisDr. Herb L. Songer 64.32 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversityAugust 5, 2007August 5, 2009
Grand GrammateusKevin H. Pollard 59.27 Lambda-KappaDePaul UniversityAugust 7, 2007October 23, 2008
Grand GrammateusHonorable Ed C. Moy 51.26 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonDecember 16, 2008August 5, 2009
Grand CrysophylosHonorable Ed C. Moy 49.89 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 5, 2007December 15, 2008
Grand CrysophylosHonorable Bob Barr 60.11 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaDecember 16, 2008August 5, 2009
Grand HistorCharles J. Trabold 70.52 Kappa-KappaMonmouth UniversityAugust 5, 2007January 30, 2008
Grand HistorHonorable Bob Barr 59.24 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaJanuary 31, 2008December 15, 2008
Grand HistorRod Talbot 51.90 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleDecember 17, 2008August 5, 2009
Grand HypophetesRod Talbot 50.53 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleAugust 5, 2007December 16, 2008
Grand HypophetesBobby A. Jarred 44.32 Omicron-Kappa ChapterUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteDecember 16, 2008August 8, 2009
Grand PylortesBobby A. Jarred 42.96 Omicron-Kappa ChapterUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteAugust 7, 2007December 16, 2008
Grand PylortesChristopher T. Hanson 30.96 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityDecember 16, 2008August 5, 2009
Grand HegemonChristopher T. Hanson 29.59 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityAugust 4, 2007December 15, 2008

Conclave 2005 (53)

July 28 - 31, 2005 - Fairmont Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMark A. Fite 45.99 Delta-XiMiami UniversityJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand EpiprytanisRobert I. McMurry 57.98 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand GrammateusMark K. Johnson 48.88 Nu-Theta ExpansionUniversity of UtahJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand CrysophylosPoppi J. Edelmann Jr. 40.79 Omicron-NuFlorida Institute of TechnologyJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand HistorCharles J. Trabold 68.50 Kappa-KappaMonmouth UniversityJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand HypophetesHon. Brian C. Barrett 51.10 Kappa-ChiConcordia UniversityJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand PylortesDr. Herb L. Songer 62.30 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversityJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007
Grand HegemonRod Talbot 48.51 Beta-ChiSouthern Illinois University CarbondaleJuly 28, 2005August 4, 2007

Conclave 2003 (52)

July 17 - 20, 2003 - Omni Mandalay Hotel (Irving, TX)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMark C. Romig A.P.R. 47.46 Theta-MuUniversity of New OrleansJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand EpiprytanisMark A. Fite 43.96 Delta-XiMiami UniversityJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand GrammateusRobert I. McMurry 55.95 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand CrysophylosMark K. Johnson 46.84 Nu-Theta ExpansionUniversity of UtahJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand HistorHon. Brian C. Barrett 49.07 Kappa-ChiConcordia UniversityJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand HypophetesPoppi J. Edelmann Jr. 38.75 Omicron-NuFlorida Institute of TechnologyJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand PylortesCharles J. Trabold 66.47 Kappa-KappaMonmouth UniversityJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005
Grand HegemonDr. Herb L. Songer 60.27 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversityJuly 17, 2003July 27, 2005

Conclave 2001 (51)

August 2 - 5, 2001 - Fairmont Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisBob D. Planck 53.09 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand EpiprytanisMark C. Romig A.P.R. 45.51 Theta-MuUniversity of New OrleansAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand GrammateusMark A. Fite 42.01 Delta-XiMiami UniversityAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand CrysophylosKevin H. Pollard 53.25 Lambda-KappaDePaul UniversityAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand HistorRobert I. McMurry 53.99 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand HypophetesHon. Brian C. Barrett 47.12 Kappa-ChiConcordia UniversityAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand PylortesDr. Herb L. Songer 58.32 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversityAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003
Grand HegemonPoppi J. Edelmann Jr. 36.80 Omicron-NuFlorida Institute of TechnologyAugust 2, 2001July 16, 2003

Conclave 1999 (50)

August 1 - 3, 1999 - Hyatt Regency Hotel (Indianapolis, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLon G. Justice 43.59 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand EpiprytanisBob D. Planck 51.08 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand GrammateusMark A. Fite 40.00 Delta-XiMiami UniversityAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand CrysophylosDavid L. Adcock 37.82 Lambda-OmegaGeorgia State UniversityAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand HistorMark C. Romig A.P.R. 43.50 Theta-MuUniversity of New OrleansAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand HypophetesMichael J. Valentine 41.83 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 1, 1999September 9, 2000
Grand HypophetesDr. Herb L. Songer 57.42 Alpha-UpsilonFort Hays State UniversitySeptember 10, 2000August 1, 2001
Grand PylortesHon. Brian C. Barrett 45.11 Kappa-ChiConcordia UniversityAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001
Grand HegemonKevin H. Pollard 51.25 Lambda-KappaDePaul UniversityAugust 1, 1999August 1, 2001

Conclave 1997 (49)

August 21 - 24, 1997 - Innisbrook Resort (Tarpon Springs, FL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisGary A. LaBranche CAE 39.18 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand EpiprytanisLon G. Justice 41.65 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand GrammateusChris A. Grasso 46.81 Alpha-TauDrexel UniversityAugust 21, 1997August 1, 1999
Grand CrysophylosBob D. Planck 49.14 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand HistorMark A. Fite 38.06 Delta-XiMiami UniversityAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand HypophetesDavid L. Adcock 35.87 Lambda-OmegaGeorgia State UniversityAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand PylortesMichael J. Valentine 39.89 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999
Grand HegemonScott J. Kalicki 43.44 Kappa-IotaUniversity of HartfordAugust 21, 1997July 31, 1999

Conclave 1995 (48)

August 17 - 20, 1995 - Grand Hyatt (Washington, DC)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisTom M. Castner 48.22 Lambda-LambdaUtica CollegeAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand EpiprytanisGary A. LaBranche CAE 37.16 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand GrammateusChris A. Grasso 44.80 Alpha-TauDrexel UniversityAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand CrysophylosLon G. Justice 39.63 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand HistorMichael J. Valentine 37.88 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand HypophetesScott J. Kalicki 41.43 Kappa-IotaUniversity of HartfordAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997
Grand PylortesTim J. Murphy 32.11 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 17, 1995June 7, 1996
Grand HegemonJames L. Totten 31.68 Kappa-PsiQuinnipiac UniversityAugust 17, 1995August 20, 1997

Conclave 1993 (47)

August 18 - 20, 1993 - Hyatt Regency (Burlingame, CA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisADM Jack R. Fisher 68.64 Gamma-EpsilonRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand EpiprytanisTom M. Castner 46.22 Lambda-LambdaUtica CollegeAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand GrammateusMark C. Romig A.P.R. 37.55 Theta-MuUniversity of New OrleansAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand CrysophylosBob D. Planck 45.13 Epsilon-OmicronUniversity of HoustonAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand HistorChris A. Grasso 42.81 Alpha-TauDrexel UniversityAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand HypophetesGary A. LaBranche CAE 35.17 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand PylortesLon G. Justice 37.64 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995
Grand HegemonJames L. Totten 29.68 Kappa-PsiQuinnipiac UniversityAugust 18, 1993August 16, 1995

Conclave 1991 (46)

August 18 - 21, 1991 - Fairmont Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisBob J. Borel 48.44 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand EpiprytanisGary A. LaBranche CAE 33.17 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand GrammateusKenneth D. Reid, CAE 41.25 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand CrysophylosADM Jack R. Fisher 66.64 Gamma-EpsilonRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand HistorLon G. Justice 35.64 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand HypophetesMark C. Romig A.P.R. 35.55 Theta-MuUniversity of New OrleansAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand PylortesTom M. Castner 44.22 Lambda-LambdaUtica CollegeAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993
Grand HegemonChris A. Grasso 40.80 Alpha-TauDrexel UniversityAugust 18, 1991August 17, 1993

Conclave 1989 (45)

August 17 - 20, 1989 - Hyatt Regency Hotel (Indianapolis, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJim S. Margolin 36.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand EpiprytanisBob J. Borel 46.44 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand GrammateusKenneth D. Reid, CAE 39.25 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand CrysophylosTom M. Castner 42.22 Lambda-LambdaUtica CollegeAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand HistorFr. W. Patrick Resen 43.17 Gamma-GammaUniversity of Texas at El PasoAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand HypophetesTom Ramey 40.40 Mu-BetaEastern Kentucky UniversityAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand PylortesCecil H. Holifield 43.22 Beta-Psi Emerging ChapterArkansas State UniversityAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991
Grand HegemonLon G. Justice 33.63 Pi-AlphaAshland UniversityAugust 17, 1989August 17, 1991

Conclave 1987 (44)

August 20 - 23, 1987 - Grand Hyatt Hotel (Washington, DC)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisBruce B. Melchert 52.93 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand EpiprytanisJim S. Margolin 34.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand GrammateusBob J. Borel 44.45 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand CrysophylosKenneth D. Reid, CAE 37.26 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand HistorTom M. Castner 40.22 Lambda-LambdaUtica CollegeAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand HypophetesTom Ramey 38.41 Mu-BetaEastern Kentucky UniversityAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand PylortesFr. W. Patrick Resen 41.18 Gamma-GammaUniversity of Texas at El PasoAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989
Grand HegemonCecil H. Holifield 41.23 Beta-Psi Emerging ChapterArkansas State UniversityAugust 20, 1987August 16, 1989

Conclave 1985 (43)

August 17 - 20, 1985 - Hyatt Orlando (Orlando, FL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJoel E. Johnson 43.04 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand EpiprytanisBruce B. Melchert 50.92 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand GrammateusJim S. Margolin 32.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand CrysophylosBob J. Borel 42.44 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand HistorKenneth D. Reid, CAE 35.25 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand HypophetesFr. W. Patrick Resen 39.17 Gamma-GammaUniversity of Texas at El PasoAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand PylortesTom Ramey 36.40 Mu-BetaEastern Kentucky UniversityAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987
Grand HegemonCecil H. Holifield 39.22 Beta-Psi Emerging ChapterArkansas State UniversityAugust 17, 1985August 19, 1987

Conclave 1983 (42)

December 27 - 29, 1983 - Fairmont Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDuwe R. Woerpel 44.75 Iota-AlphaUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand EpiprytanisJoel E. Johnson 41.40 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand GrammateusBruce B. Melchert 49.28 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand CrysophylosBob J. Borel 40.80 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand HistorFred Lamar Pearson, Jr. 44.14 Zeta-NuValdosta State UniversityDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand HypophetesJ. Wesley Pierce 45.59 Zeta-OmicronWestern Carolina UniversityDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand PylortesKenneth D. Reid, CAE 33.61 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985
Grand HegemonJim S. Margolin 31.24 PsiGettysburg CollegeDecember 27, 1983August 16, 1985

Conclave 1981 (41)

August 17 - 20, 1981 - Hotel Roanoke (Roanoke, VA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJohn A. Courson 39.24 Alpha-EpsilonMonmouth CollegeAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand EpiprytanisDuwe R. Woerpel 42.39 Iota-AlphaUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand GrammateusBruce B. Melchert 46.92 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand CrysophylosJoel E. Johnson 39.04 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand HistorDr. T. J. J. Cobbe 63.08 Delta-XiMiami UniversityAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand HypophetesJ. Wesley Pierce 43.23 Zeta-OmicronWestern Carolina UniversityAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand PylortesJim S. Margolin 28.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983
Grand HegemonKenneth D. Reid, CAE 31.25 Mu-OmegaGeorge Mason UniversityAugust 17, 1981December 26, 1983

Conclave 1979 (40)

August 20 - 24, 1979 - Sheraton Hotel (French Lick, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisRodney Williams Jr. 35.71 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand EpiprytanisJohn A. Courson 37.25 Alpha-EpsilonMonmouth CollegeAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand GrammateusBruce B. Melchert 44.93 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand CrysophylosJoel E. Johnson 37.05 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand HistorDuwe R. Woerpel 40.39 Iota-AlphaUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand HypophetesRev. Dan F. Laird 43.73 Beta-PiGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand PylortesDr. BD Owens 44.59 Delta-NuNorthwest Missouri State UniversityAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981
Grand HegemonDr. T. J. J. Cobbe 61.09 Delta-XiMiami UniversityAugust 20, 1979August 16, 1981

Conclave 1977 (39)

August 15 - 19, 1977 - Fairmont Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDr. Bill V. Muse 38.36 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand EpiprytanisRodney Williams Jr. 33.70 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand GrammateusBruce B. Melchert 42.92 Beta-ThetaUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand CrysophylosJohn A. Courson 35.24 Alpha-EpsilonMonmouth CollegeAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand HistorRev. Dan F. Laird 41.72 Beta-PiGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand HypophetesJoel E. Johnson 35.03 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand PylortesDuwe R. Woerpel 38.38 Iota-AlphaUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979
Grand HegemonJim T. Kane 47.96 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaAugust 15, 1977August 19, 1979

Conclave 1975 (38)

August 18 - 22, 1975 - PlayBoy Resort (Lake Geneva, WI)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisWilliam H. Wisdom 60.94 Alpha-XiDrake UniversityAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand EpiprytanisDr. Bill V. Muse 36.36 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand GrammateusRodney Williams Jr. 31.71 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand CrysophylosJohn A. Courson 33.24 Alpha-EpsilonMonmouth CollegeAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand HistorRev. Dan F. Laird 39.73 Beta-PiGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand HypophetesJim T. Kane 45.97 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand PylortesJoel E. Johnson 33.04 Iota-OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977
Grand HegemonDuwe R. Woerpel 36.39 Iota-AlphaUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorAugust 18, 1975August 14, 1977

Conclave 1973 (37)

August 20 - 24, 1973 - Hilton Hotel (Indianapolis, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisBill A. Quallich 43.13 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand EpiprytanisWilliam H. Wisdom 58.94 Alpha-XiDrake UniversityAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand GrammateusRodney Williams Jr. 29.71 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand CrysophylosDr. Bill V. Muse 34.37 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand HistorRev. Dan F. Laird 37.74 Beta-PiGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand HypophetesGeorge W. Woolery 44.57 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand PylortesJ. Wesley Pierce 35.24 Zeta-OmicronWestern Carolina UniversityAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975
Grand HegemonJim T. Kane 43.97 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaAugust 20, 1973August 17, 1975

Conclave 1971 (36)

August 23 - 27, 1971 - Grove Park Inn (Asheville, NC)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLenwood S. Cochran 43.36 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand EpiprytanisBill A. Quallich 41.14 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand GrammateusWilliam H. Wisdom 56.95 Alpha-XiDrake UniversityAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand CrysophylosDr. Bill V. Muse 32.38 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand HistorGeorge W. Woolery 42.57 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand HypophetesRev. Dan F. Laird 35.74 Beta-PiGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand PylortesRodney Williams Jr. 27.72 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973
Grand HegemonJ. Wesley Pierce 33.25 Zeta-OmicronWestern Carolina UniversityAugust 23, 1971August 19, 1973

Conclave 1969 (35)

August 25 - 29, 1969 - Tan-Tar-A Resort (Osage Beach, MO)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDonald H. Becker 41.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand EpiprytanisLenwood S. Cochran 41.37 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand GrammateusWilliam H. Wisdom 54.96 Alpha-XiDrake UniversityAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand CrysophylosBill A. Quallich 39.14 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand HistorPaul L. Dunmire 62.56 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand HypophetesDr. Bill V. Muse 30.38 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand PylortesGeorge W. Woolery 40.58 Beta-SigmaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971
Grand HegemonRodney Williams Jr. 25.73 Alpha-ChiUniversity of LouisvilleAugust 25, 1969August 22, 1971

Conclave 1967 (34)

August 29 - September 2, 1967 - Grand Bahama Hotel (Grand Bahama Island, )

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDonald H. Becker 39.89 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand EpiprytanisLenwood S. Cochran 39.38 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand GrammateusWilliam H. Wisdom 52.97 Alpha-XiDrake UniversityAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand CrysophylosBill A. Quallich 37.15 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand HistorRobert M. Aspinwall 36.12 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand HypophetesGeorge D. Moe 63.01 Alpha-SigmaUniversity of North DakotaAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand PylortesPaul L. Dunmire 60.57 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969
Grand HegemonDr. Bill V. Muse 28.39 Epsilon-UpsilonNorthwestern State UniversityAugust 29, 1967August 24, 1969

Conclave 1965 (33)

August 31 - September 4, 1965 - Park Plaza Hotel (Toronto, ON)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJ. Russel Salsbury 63.08 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnAugust 31, 1965May 31, 1966
Grand PrytanisDonald H. Becker 38.64 PsiGettysburg CollegeJune 1, 1966August 28, 1967
Grand EpiprytanisDonald H. Becker 37.89 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 31, 1965May 31, 1966
Grand GrammateusLenwood S. Cochran 37.39 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967
Grand CrysophylosBill A. Quallich 35.16 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967
Grand HistorGeorge N. Kollintzas 36.20 Epsilon-KappaLoyola University ChicagoAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967
Grand HypophetesGeorge D. Moe 61.02 Alpha-SigmaUniversity of North DakotaAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967
Grand PylortesPaul L. Dunmire 58.57 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967
Grand HegemonRobert M. Aspinwall 34.13 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 31, 1965August 28, 1967

Conclave 1963 (32)

August 27 - 31, 1963 - Marott Hotel (Indianapolis, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJ. Russel Salsbury 61.07 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand EpiprytanisDonald H. Becker 35.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand GrammateusLenwood S. Cochran 35.37 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand CrysophylosBill A. Quallich 33.15 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand HistorGeorge N. Kollintzas 34.19 Epsilon-KappaLoyola University ChicagoAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand HypophetesR. Landis Coffman 0 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand PylortesPaul L. Dunmire 56.56 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965
Grand HegemonRobert M. Aspinwall 32.12 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonAugust 27, 1963August 30, 1965

Conclave 1961 (31)

August 28 - September 3, 1961 - Roney Plaza (Miami Beach, FL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDonald Kaser 45.44 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand EpiprytanisJ. Russel Salsbury 59.07 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand GrammateusLenwood S. Cochran 33.38 Gamma-MuFurman UniversityAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand CrysophylosBill A. Quallich 31.15 Delta-EpsilonCleveland State UniversityAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand HistorEdward J. Georgeff 38.84 Beta-KappaUniversity of OregonAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand HypophetesDonald H. Becker 33.89 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand PylortesR. Landis Coffman 0 Alpha-KappaUniversity of PennsylvaniaAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963
Grand HegemonGeorge N. Kollintzas 32.19 Epsilon-KappaLoyola University ChicagoAugust 28, 1961August 26, 1963

Conclave 1959 (30)

September 1 - 4, 1959 - Sheridan Cadillac Hotel (Detroit, MI)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDonald Kaser 43.45 EpsilonIowa State UniversitySeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand EpiprytanisMaurice L. Clovis 59.84 RhoWest Virginia UniversitySeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand GrammateusLenwood S. Cochran 31.39 Gamma-MuFurman UniversitySeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand CrysophylosJ. Russel Salsbury 57.08 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnSeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand HistorEdward J. Georgeff 36.85 Beta-KappaUniversity of OregonSeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand HypophetesDonald H. Becker 31.90 PsiGettysburg CollegeSeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand PylortesCharles C. Bishop 0 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961
Grand HegemonGeorge N. Kollintzas 30.20 Epsilon-KappaLoyola University ChicagoSeptember 1, 1959August 27, 1961

Conclave 1957 (29)

August 27 - 31, 1957 - Bedford Springs Hotel (Bedford Springs, PA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisFrank B. Scott 56.67 BetaMillikin UniversityAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand EpiprytanisDonald Kaser 41.44 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand GrammateusEdward J. Georgeff 34.84 Beta-KappaUniversity of OregonAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand CrysophylosJ. Russel Salsbury 55.07 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand HistorWalter J. Miller 31.72 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 27, 1957January 1, 1959
Grand HypophetesDonald H. Becker 29.88 PsiGettysburg CollegeAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand PylortesMaurice L. Clovis 57.83 RhoWest Virginia UniversityAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959
Grand HegemonHoward L. Hibbs 48.07 XiWashington UniversityAugust 27, 1957August 31, 1959

Conclave 1955 (28)

August 31 - September 3, 1955 - Hotel President (Kansas City, MO)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJames C. Logan 41.65 XiWashington UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand EpiprytanisFrank B. Scott 54.67 BetaMillikin UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand GrammateusRichard R. Hall 28.59 Alpha-OmicronNew Mexico State UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand CrysophylosDonald Kaser 39.45 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand HistorWalter J. Miller 29.73 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand HypophetesMaurice L. Clovis 55.84 RhoWest Virginia UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand PylortesJ. Russel Salsbury 53.08 PhiUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957
Grand HegemonHoward L. Hibbs 46.08 XiWashington UniversityAugust 31, 1955August 26, 1957

Conclave 1953 (27)

September 1 - 5, 1953 - Hotel Savery (Des Moines, IA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisJames C. Logan 39.66 XiWashington UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand EpiprytanisFrank B. Scott 52.68 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand GrammateusJohn R. Rowe 55.21 KappaBeloit CollegeSeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand CrysophylosHoward C. Kuhnle 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand HistorWalter J. Miller 27.74 EpsilonIowa State UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1951
Grand HypophetesMaurice L. Clovis 53.85 RhoWest Virginia UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand PylortesDonald Kaser 37.45 EpsilonIowa State UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955
Grand HegemonHoward L. Hibbs 44.08 XiWashington UniversitySeptember 1, 1953August 30, 1955

Conclave 1951 (26)

August 28 - September 1, 1951 - Hotel Roanoke (Roanoke, VA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisSophus C. Goth 57.38 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleyAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand EpiprytanisDonald Kaser 35.44 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand GrammateusFrank B. Scott 50.67 BetaMillikin UniversityAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand CrysophylosHoward C. Kuhnle 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand HistorJohn R. Rowe 53.20 KappaBeloit CollegeAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand HypophetesArthur J. Hanson 54.26 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand PylortesFred G. Kettelkamp 34.96 XiWashington UniversityAugust 28, 1951August 31, 1953
Grand PylortesJames C. Logan 37.73 XiWashington UniversitySeptember 28, 1951August 31, 1953

Conclave 1949 (25)

August 31 - September 3, 1949 - Drake Hotel (Chicago, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLeland F. Leland 50.11 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand EpiprytanisSophus C. Goth 55.39 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleyAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand GrammateusFrank B. Scott 48.68 BetaMillikin UniversityAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand CrysophylosHoward C. Kuhnle 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand HistorJohn R. Rowe 51.21 KappaBeloit CollegeAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand HypophetesDonald Kaser 33.45 EpsilonIowa State UniversityAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951
Grand PylortesFred G. Kettelkamp 32.97 XiWashington UniversityAugust 31, 1949August 27, 1951

Conclave 1947 (24)

September 4 - 7, 1947 - Illini Union Building (Urbana, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDr. R. C. Williams 59.11 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversitySeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949
Grand EpiprytanisDr. Edwin L. Theiss 64.59 MuCarroll CollegeSeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949
Grand GrammateusFrank B. Scott 46.69 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949
Grand CrysophylosHoward C. Kuhnle 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 48.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949
Grand HypophetesWilliam L. Mitchell 63.38 Beta-ZetaLouisiana Tech UniversitySeptember 4, 1947January 1, 1948
Grand HypophetesFred G. Kettelkamp 31.31 XiWashington UniversityJanuary 1, 1948August 30, 1949
Grand PylortesSophus C. Goth 53.40 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleySeptember 4, 1947August 30, 1949

Conclave 1942 (23)

June 19 - 21, 1942 - Edgewater Beach Hotel (Chicago, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisCharles E. Nieman 35.41 KappaBeloit CollegeJune 19, 1942May 31, 1944
Grand EpiprytanisCharles R. Walgreen, Jr. 36.29 Upsilon Emerging ChapterUniversity of MichiganJune 19, 1942September 3, 1947
Grand GrammateusLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityJanuary 1, 1941January 1, 1943
Grand CrysophylosFred N. Baxter 42.39 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisJune 19, 1942September 3, 1947
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 42.91 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaJune 19, 1942September 3, 1947
Grand HypophetesRupert R. Lewis 0 EtaUniversity of ChicagoJune 19, 1942September 3, 1947
Grand PylortesJames C. Logan 28.40 XiWashington UniversityJune 1, 1942September 3, 1947
Grand PylortesDr. R. C. Williams 53.90 Alpha-PiGeorge Washington UniversityJune 19, 1942May 31, 1943

Conclave 1939 (22)

September 7 - 9, 1939 - French Lick Springs Hotel (French Lick, IN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisHerbert H. Helble 40.51 KappaBeloit CollegeSeptember 7, 1939May 31, 1941
Grand EpiprytanisL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 7, 1939May 31, 1941
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 50.89 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 7, 1939May 31, 1941
Grand CrysophylosFred N. Baxter 39.61 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisSeptember 7, 1939June 18, 1942
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 40.13 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 7, 1939June 18, 1942
Grand HypophetesOrval W. Diehl 43.09 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 7, 1939May 31, 1941
Grand PylortesCharles E. Nieman 32.62 KappaBeloit CollegeSeptember 7, 1939May 31, 1941

Conclave 1937 (21)

September 2 - 4, 1937 - Pfister Hotel (Milwaukee, WI)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisClarence E. Smith 43.11 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand EpiprytanisSophus C. Goth 43.40 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleySeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 48.88 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand CrysophylosCharles R. Walgreen, Jr. 31.50 Upsilon Emerging ChapterUniversity of MichiganSeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 38.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand HypophetesHerbert H. Helble 38.49 KappaBeloit CollegeSeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939
Grand PylortesHomer N. Booker 35.94 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 2, 1937September 6, 1939

Conclave 1935 (20)

September 5 - 7, 1935 - Hotel Baker (St. Charles, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisDonald A. Fisher 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand EpiprytanisJohn H. Krogmann 36.11 ScorpionCornell UniversitySeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 46.88 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand CrysophylosClarence E. Smith 41.11 BetaMillikin UniversitySeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 36.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand HypophetesSophus C. Goth 41.40 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleySeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937
Grand PylortesHerbert H. Helble 36.50 KappaBeloit CollegeSeptember 5, 1935September 1, 1937

Conclave 1930 (19)

September 3 - 6, 1930 - Palace Hotel (San Francisco, CA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisEugene C. Beach 32.47 IotaEureka CollegeSeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand EpiprytanisDonald A. Fisher 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 41.88 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand CrysophylosRussell E. Shearer 29.46 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 31.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand HypophetesJohn H. Krogmann 31.11 ScorpionCornell UniversitySeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935
Grand PylortesSophus C. Goth 36.40 NuUniversity of California, BerkeleySeptember 3, 1930September 4, 1935

Conclave 1928 (18)

September 6 - 8, 1928 - Hotel Orlando (Decatur, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMilton M. Olander 29.61 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisSeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand EpiprytanisEugene C. Beach 30.48 IotaEureka CollegeSeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 39.89 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand CrysophylosRussell E. Shearer 27.47 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 29.13 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand HypophetesDonald A. Fisher 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930
Grand PylortesJohn H. Krogmann 29.12 ScorpionCornell UniversitySeptember 6, 1928September 2, 1930

Conclave 1926 (17)

September 2 - 4, 1926 - Palmer House (Chicago, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisMiles Gray 29.68 IotaEureka CollegeSeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand EpiprytanisMilton M. Olander 27.60 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisSeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 37.88 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand CrysophylosRussell E. Shearer 25.46 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversitySeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 27.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaSeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand HypophetesEugene C. Beach 28.47 IotaEureka CollegeSeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928
Grand PylortesDonald A. Fisher 0 Omicron Emerging ChapterThe Ohio State UniversitySeptember 2, 1926September 5, 1928

Conclave 1924 (16)

October 23 - 25, 1924 - Illinois Hotel (Bloomington, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand EpiprytanisMilton M. Olander 25.74 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 36.02 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand CrysophylosMiles Gray 27.82 IotaEureka CollegeOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand HistorLeland F. Leland 25.26 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand HypophetesEugene C. Beach 26.61 IotaEureka CollegeOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926
Grand PylortesRussell E. Shearer 23.60 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityOctober 23, 1924September 1, 1926

Conclave 1923 (15)

October 25 - 27, 1923 - Hotel Chase (St. Louis, MO)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand EpiprytanisKenneth J. Beebe 0 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 35.02 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand CrysophylosMiles Gray 26.82 IotaEureka CollegeOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand HistorRoger H. Lueck 26.85 MuCarroll CollegeOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand HypophetesMilton M. Olander 24.74 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924
Grand PylortesEugene C. Beach 25.61 IotaEureka CollegeOctober 25, 1923October 22, 1924

Conclave 1922 (14)

October 27 - 28, 1922 - Hotel Montrose (Cedar Rapids, IA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisWilliam D. Reeve 39.12 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand EpiprytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 34.03 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand CrysophylosMilton M. Olander 23.75 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand HistorPaul D. Paddock 0 DeltaKnox CollegeOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand HypophetesWashington D. Shipton 0 ZetaCoe CollegeOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923
Grand PylortesRoland M. Bethke 26.32 LambdaUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonOctober 27, 1922October 24, 1923

Conclave 1921 (13)

April 23 - 24, 1921 - Park Hotel (Madison, WI)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisWilliam D. Reeve 37.61 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand EpiprytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand GrammateusTex P. Flint 32.51 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand CrysophylosDonald R. Theophilus 0 EpsilonIowa State UniversityApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand HistorSamuel A. Tucker 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand HypophetesWashington D. Shipton 0 ZetaCoe CollegeApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922
Grand PylortesEdward A. Biedermann 0 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 23, 1921October 26, 1922

Conclave 1920 (12)

April 23 - 24, 1920 - Hotel Radisson (Minneapolis, MN)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisTex P. Flint 31.52 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand EpiprytanisWilliam D. Reeve 36.61 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand GrammateusLloyd V. Ballard 32.67 KappaBeloit CollegeApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand CrysophylosPJ Hazelwood 28.59 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand HistorHenry A. Burd 30.78 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand HypophetesWashington D. Shipton 0 ZetaCoe CollegeApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921
Grand PylortesHenry C. Hawes 0 IotaEureka CollegeApril 23, 1920April 22, 1921

Conclave 1919 (11)

April 25 - 26, 1919 - Elk Clubrooms (Beloit, WI)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisTex P. Flint 30.52 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand EpiprytanisWilliam D. Reeve 35.62 ThetaUniversity of MinnesotaApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand GrammateusLloyd V. Ballard 31.67 KappaBeloit CollegeApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand CrysophylosPJ Hazelwood 27.59 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand HistorHenry A. Burd 29.78 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand HypophetesNoble R. Feasley 0 DeltaKnox CollegeApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920
Grand PylortesHenry C. Hawes 0 IotaEureka CollegeApril 25, 1919April 22, 1920

Conclave 1918 (10)

April 16 - 17, 1918 - Hotel LaSalle (Chicago, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisTex P. Flint 29.49 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand EpiprytanisClarence C. Crumbaker 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand GrammateusLloyd V. Ballard 30.65 KappaBeloit CollegeApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand CrysophylosPJ Hazelwood 26.57 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand HistorHenry A. Burd 28.76 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand HypophetesNoble R. Feasley 0 DeltaKnox CollegeApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919
Grand PylortesElmer L. Kaser 27.73 EpsilonIowa State UniversityApril 16, 1918April 24, 1919

Conclave 1917 (9)

April 27 - 28, 1917 - Sheldon-Munn Hotel (Ames, IA)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisOscar G. Hoose 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand EpiprytanisTex P. Flint 28.53 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand GrammateusClarence C. Crumbaker 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand CrysophylosPJ Hazelwood 25.60 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand HistorJohn A. Gehlmann 25.66 DeltaKnox CollegeApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand HypophetesWilliam B. Holmes 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918
Grand PylortesElmer L. Kaser 26.76 EpsilonIowa State UniversityApril 27, 1917April 15, 1918

Conclave 1916 (8)

April 28 - 29, 1916 - Illinois Hotel (Bloomington, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand EpiprytanisPJ Hazelwood 24.60 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand GrammateusClarence C. Crumbaker 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand CrysophylosOscar G. Hoose 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand HistorJohn A. Gehlmann 24.66 DeltaKnox CollegeApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand HypophetesJ. B. Wand 28.49 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917
Grand PylortesOscar D. Davidson 0 EpsilonIowa State UniversityApril 28, 1916April 26, 1917

Conclave 1915 (7)

April 16 - 17, 1915 - Custer Hotel (Galesburg, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand EpiprytanisPJ Hazelwood 23.57 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand GrammateusClarence C. Crumbaker 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand CrysophylosOscar G. Hoose 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand HistorPaul D. Paddock 0 DeltaKnox CollegeApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand HypophetesJ. B. Wand 27.45 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916
Grand PylortesRoland N. Miller 0 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 16, 1915April 27, 1916

Conclave 1914 (6)

April 17 - 18, 1914 - Gamma Chapter House (Champaign, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand EpiprytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand GrammateusLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand CrysophylosRay R. Cheney 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand HistorJ. B. Wand 26.46 BetaMillikin UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand HypophetesWallace G. McCauley 29.74 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915
Grand PylortesArthur F. Connard 0 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisApril 17, 1914April 15, 1915

Conclave 1913 (5)

February 14 - 15, 1913 - Beta Chapter House (Decatur, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand EpiprytanisPhilip H. McGrath 0 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand GrammateusLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand CrysophylosRay R. Cheney 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand HistorJ. B. Wand 25.29 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand HypophetesEverett W. Pinkstaff 0 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914
Grand PylortesArthur F. Connard 0 Gamma Emerging ChapterUniversity of IllinoisFebruary 14, 1913April 16, 1914

Conclave 1912 (4)

February 9 - 10, 1912 - Alpha Chapter House (Bloomington, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisWilliam L. Wilson 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand EpiprytanisMaurice S. Sly 22.18 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand GrammateusLyle F. Straight 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand CrysophylosLester H. Martin 33.45 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand HistorL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand HypophetesRay R. Cheney 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913
Grand PylortesJ. B. Wand 24.27 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 9, 1912February 13, 1913

Conclave 1911 (3)

February 10 - 11, 1911 - Beta Chapter House (Decatur, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisWilliam L. Wilson 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand EpiprytanisEverett L. Dickey 0 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand GrammateusJoseph L. Settles 39.27 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand CrysophylosLester H. Martin 32.45 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand HistorL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand HypophetesMaurice S. Sly 21.18 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912
Grand PylortesRay R. Cheney 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 10, 1911February 8, 1912

Conclave 1910 (2)

February 11 - 12, 1910 - Alpha Chapter House (Bloomington, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLester H. Martin 31.46 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand EpiprytanisWilliam L. Wilson 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand GrammateusClyde M. Leach 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand CrysophylosCharles H. Wright 28.32 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand HistorL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand HypophetesJoseph L. Settles 38.28 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911
Grand PylortesRobert A. Miller 0 BetaMillikin UniversityFebruary 11, 1910February 9, 1911

Conclave 1909 (1)

February 17, 1909 - Alpha Chapter House (Bloomington, IL)

OfficeNameAge at ElectionChapterSchoolBegin DateEnd Date
Grand PrytanisLester H. Martin 30.47 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand EpiprytanisWilliam L. Wilson 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand GrammateusClyde Leighty 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand CrysophylosJ. J. Love 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand HistorL. W. Tuesburg 0 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand HypophetesArthur A. Heinlein 27.39 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910
Grand PylortesClyde H. Myers -73.87 AlphaIllinois Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 17, 1909February 10, 1910