Ways to Volunteer By Type

We all promised to develop our abilities and contribute them. Sharing your time and talent builds a stronger TKE and creates a better experience for yourself and other Fraters.

Work Directly With Other Members

Interested in Working With Chapters

Your experience and perspective can help a group move smarter, reach higher levels of success, and avoid pitfalls along the way. You can work with a singular group as a board member or advisor, or you can help with various projects or events during the year. Or you might prefer being a resource for multiple chapters and colonies as part of the province team. Either way, you can play an important supporting role as you help them create their experience. You can learn more about volunteer roles here and then fill out the volunteer interest form on MyTKE.org to receive more information.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Interested in Being Part of An Alumni Association

A chapter-based association helps maintain the Fraternity for Life and keeps alumni connected across the years and across the map. Area-based associations provide additional opportunities for social and professional networking whether in a metro area or throughout a region. You can assist with outreach efforts, ongoing communication, or event planning. You can find an active association or browse our resource guide for more information about starting a new group. Marking your interest in associations on the MyTKE.org volunteer interest form is another way to receive additional information.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Interested in Attending Events

Seize the opportunity to reconnect with other Fraters, continue to grow your network within the Fraternity, and live the Fraternity for Life. It has been said that 80% of success is just showing up. Meet up at an in-person event or connect online across the miles. Grow bigger and better events by getting involved and maybe help plan the next great event. Browse the TKE events page to see what’s happening across TKE Nation, contact an alumni association, or help start a new one. Fill out the volunteer interest form on MyTKE.org to share your interests and receive more information.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Behind the Scenes

Interested in Data Gathering

Every single TKE group can benefit from more assistance finding fellow Fraters who have gotten “lost” along the way or who have missing information. You can assist with online searching, historical tracking, or direct outreach efforts to help fill in the gaps and help create new possibilities. Build out your family trees, know who has kids approaching college, identify folks who share the same professional or personal interests…What could your group do with a tighter network? Visit the Lost Brothers page on MyTKE.org and fill out the volunteer interest form there to share your interests and receive more information.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Interested in Preservation of TKE History

Your local history is important to TKE and every group has the ability to store items and protect their legacy in the TKE digital archives. What can start with composites, scroll signatures, scrapbooks, and yearbook pages can grow much larger. Some items and images may be with the chapter, but so much more of it lives with individual Fraters. Gathering images of the people, events, artifacts and memories is the first step in the process. Visit MyTKE.org to find an upload link for your chapter’s archive files. You can share other interests are receive additional information by filling out the volunteer interest form too.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Interested in One-Time Projects

It may be a smaller one-time initiative or a once-in-a-generation milestone anniversary. You might be the idea guy and innovator who sparks new initiatives and creative possibilities. Or you could play a critical role because of your talent with details and logistics. You can identify needs and opportunities, anticipate important questions, and help build a plan for success. Contact a chapter or alumni association near you, or help start a new association. Fill out the volunteer interest form on MyTKE.org to share your interests and receive additional information.

Visit MyTKE.org

Learn How

Ways to Volunteer By Time Commitment

You promised to develop your abilities and contribute them. Here's how to get started.

1-5 Hour(s) a Year

Learn How
  • Speak with collegiates about your career
  • Assist with a chapter retreat or province forum
  • Attend/Assist with a recruitment or service event
  • Share with collegiates about your personal interests, hobbies, travel
  • Identify and refer strong students from your area who are going on to college
  • Recruit an alumni member to join through an honorary initiation
  • Participate in a chapter workday

1-5 Hour(s) a Quarter

Learn How
  • Help with a committee for homecoming, RCB, or other signature event
  • Encourage other alumni to support Life Loyal Teke
  • Become a Foundation Ambassador
  • Offer to review student resumes
  • Help with mock or informational interviews
  • Help find “lost” brothers
  • Gather and/or organize historical items for the chapter
  • Be involved with an alumni association
  • Form a team for the St. Jude Walk/Run

1-5 Hour(s) a Month

Learn How
  • Serve as a generalist on the province team
  • Serve in a specialist role on the province team
  • Serve on a chapter's Board of Advisors
  • Serve on a committee
  • Be an alumni association officer
  • Help with a chapter or association fundraising campaign
  • Take a leadership role with homecoming, RCB or other signature event

5-10 Hours a Month

Learn How
  • Serve as a Chapter Advisor
  • Serve as a Grand Province Advisor
  • Take a leadership role on a milestone anniversary or reunion event

Open Volunteer Positions

Grand Province Advisors

Province Contact
Horseshoe Province (Wisconsin) tkeogc@tke.org
Steel Republic Province (Western PA) tkeogc@tke.org
Virginia Province tkeogc@tke.org
Long Island Province tkeogc@tke.org
Garden State Province (New Jersey) tkeogc@tke.org
Minnesota Province tkeogc@tke.org

Province Advisors

Province Contact
Apollo Province (Florida) tkeogc@tke.org
Buckeye Province (Southern Ohio) tkeogc@tke.org
Catskill NY Province tkeogc@tke.org
Cochran Province (South Carolina) tkeogc@tke.org
Dutch Province (Central PA) tkeogc@tke.org
Endeavor Province (North Carolina) tkeogc@tke.org
Founders Province (Illinois) tkeogc@tke.org
Front Range Colorado Province tkeogc@tke.org
Gitche Gumee Province (UP Michigan) tkeogc@tke.org
Gulf Coast Province (Northern Florida) tkeogc@tke.org
Keystone Province (Eastern PA) tkeogc@tke.org
Minnesota Province tkeogc@tke.org
Natural State Province (Arkansas) tkeogc@tke.org
Northern California Province tkeogc@tke.org
Northern Ohio Province tkeogc@tke.org
Pacific Northwest Province (AK,ID,OR,WA) tkeogc@tke.org
South Florida Province tkeogc@tke.org
Southern California Province tkeogc@tke.org
Southwest Province (AZ & NM) tkeogc@tke.org
Steel Republic Province (Western PA) tkeogc@tke.org
Virginia Province tkeogc@tke.org
Volunteer Province (Tennessee) tkeogc@tke.org
Windy City Province (Chicago) tkeogc@tke.org

Board of Advisors Chairman

Chapter Who To Contact
Upsilon Emerging Chapter Contact CJ M. Zortman
Alpha-Zeta Contact Luis R. Benavides
Alpha-Nu Contact Chris P. McGeoghegan
Alpha-Omicron Contact Barry E. Altland
Alpha-Pi Contact Pete Dawson
Alpha-Chi Contact Hunter L. Needham
Alpha-Psi Emerging Chapter Contact Pete Dawson
Beta-Theta Contact Luis R. Benavides
Gamma-Beta Emerging Chapter Contact Barry E. Altland
Gamma-Omicron Contact Mr. Gregory A. Roskopf
Epsilon-Xi Contact Chris P. McGeoghegan
Epsilon-Rho Emerging Contact Barry E. Altland
Epsilon-Upsilon Contact Hunter L. Needham
Zeta-Alpha Contact Pete Dawson
Zeta-Nu Contact Barry E. Altland
Zeta-Xi Emerging Chapter Contact Pete Dawson
Theta-Kappa Contact Pete Dawson
Theta-Lambda Contact Pete Dawson
Kappa-Tau Contact Barry E. Altland
Lambda-Phi Contact Pete Dawson
Mu-Beta Contact Hunter L. Needham
Mu-Theta Contact Chris P. McGeoghegan
Nu-Phi Contact Pete Dawson
Pi-Omicron Contact Hunter L. Needham
Rho-Pi Emerging Chapter Contact Luis R. Benavides
Sigma-Lambda Contact Mr. Gregory A. Roskopf
Sigma-Xi Contact Luis R. Benavides
Sigma-Psi Contact Hunter L. Needham
Upsilon-Lambda Contact Pete Dawson
Upsilon-Phi Contact Pete Dawson
Upsilon-Omega Contact Barry E. Altland
Phi-Alpha Contact Barry E. Altland
TKE Expansion 886 - UC Denver Expansion Contact CJ M. Zortman

Chapter Advisor

Chapter Who To Contact
Gamma-Rho Contact Luis R. Benavides
Epsilon-Delta Contact Pete Dawson
Epsilon-Rho Emerging Contact Barry E. Altland
Nu-Iota Emerging Chapter Contact Luis R. Benavides
Rho-Beta Contact Luis R. Benavides
TKE Expansion 886 - UC Denver Expansion Contact CJ M. Zortman