INDIANAPOLIS - The Offices of the Grand Chapter is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Fee Structure for Tau Kappa Epsilon.
TKE's Chief Executive Officer, Donald E. Aldrich, shared, "TKE is pleased to share the fee structure for the 2021-2022 year. We are proud of your selfless engagement in the Fraternity this past year and excited at what we can accomplish as a family this coming year. We have bold goals and the talent in our organization to make them a reality. The Grand Council and the Professional Staff remain dedicated to championing excellence and this investment in our Fraternity is critical as we work to advance our mission and create value for our members by creating resources and educational events."
Candidate Fee - $75 per man
All candidates must pay this non-refundable fee, which is due within 15 days of bid acceptance. Officers must register each candidate using the TKE Chapter Module. Each candidate will receive a validation email to complete their registration process and pay their fees via After 15 days, the chapter or colony becomes responsible for the Candidate Fee even if the candidate drops out before initiation. Chapter officers should use the TKE Chapter Module to monitor which candidates have paid their fee to the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
Initiation Fee - $225 per man ($300 total with Candidate Fee) or One-time Initiation Fee Option - $750 per man ($825 total with Candidate Fee)
Prior to initiation, each candidate must pay an Initiation Fee, which should be done using Initiates who pay the One-time Initiation Fee Option will not have to pay Annual Membership Fees for the rest of their collegiate careers. If the Initiation Fee is not received within 15 days of initiation, a penalty equal to 40% of the Initiation Fee ($90) will be added to your chapter statement.
Annual Membership Fees - $175 per man for the year (or $105 per man each semester)
The best option is to pay your AMF in full for the year, due by October 1. The chapter or colony will save $35 per man by paying the full year incentive rate. If choosing the base rate/split option, the first installment of $105 per man is due October 1, and the second installment of $105 per man is due no later than March 1. All returning active members of TKE chapters and colonies are obligated to pay this fee.
Graduate students have the option to be active members of a TKE chapter or colony. Any graduate student wishing to be an active member must pay Annual Membership Fees. Graduate students include all students who have received a bachelor's degree but are still taking classes at a college or university.
Founders Housing Fund Fee - $10 per man per semester
Starting in 2014-2015, the Grand Council took steps to realize a long-standing dream for TKE Nation: to establish a long-term plan to help secure, maintain, improve and re-establish housing at active chapters. This action by the Grand Council incorporates a fee of $10 per semester for all initiated collegiate Fraters, due October 31 and March 31, to be used exclusively for the benefit of chapter housing through the Founders Housing Fund.
Risk Management Fee - $210 per man per year
The Risk Management Fee is assessed once a year based on the roster submitted by the chapter leadership. If the fee is paid in full by the early-bird deadline of October 1st, the chapter will receive a 10% credit on the statement which can be used toward future invoices. If the fee is not paid in full by the early bird deadline, the chapter must pay at least ½ (50%) of the total invoice by October 15th. Once half of the invoice is paid, the remaining amount owed will be due in full by March 15th.
Chapter Assessment Fee - $500 single payment; or 2 payments of $390 (Total of: $780) per Chapter
The chapter assessment fee is an annual fee each chapter pays to support the TKE Nation ensuring dependable access to chapter services and resources. It will be due in two equal installments of $390, one due October 31 & the second due March 31, or a single payment of $500. If selected, the incentive rate of $500 is due October 31.
Conclave Savings Plan - $250 per semester
Conclave installment payments are due no later than October 31 for the fall semester and March 31 for the spring semester. The CSP is a savings plan offset the cost of sending a delegate from each chapter to the 2022 Conclave. There are four payments towards this per biennium.