2025 Founders' Day Address

2025 Founders' Day Address

January 10, 2025

My Fellow Fraters,

126 years ago, January 10th, 1899, at the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University, our five Founders; Joseph L. Settles, Clarence A. Mayer, Owen I. Truitt, C. Roy Atkinson, and James C. McNutt gathered to discuss the formation of a new society. As a result of their discussion, the first set of regulations for the Knights of Classic Lore was created. The purpose of that society, and the current Mission Statement of Tau Kappa Epsilon, is to "aid men in their mental, moral, and social development, for life." A very insightful endeavor for five college students, mature beyond their years. Our Founders envisioned an organization that was unique in its fundamental principles as compared to existing fraternities. As a result, they established a fraternity whereby the primary requisites for membership would be based on personal worth and character rather than the wealth one possessed, the honors or titles that one had been bestowed, or the rank one had achieved in the social ladder of society. In other words, all members and potential members are viewed equally and treated with due respect. This basic principle continues to be upheld within the Fraternity in today's society. Tau Kappa Epsilon has maintained and adhered to its statement regarding non-exclusivity throughout the 126 years of our existence.

After their recognition on campus, the Knights of Classic Lore were approached by a local chapter of Phi Delta Theta. As a result, a petition was presented to Phi Delta Theta's national organization in 1902, which was formally rejected. Following this unsuccessful attempt, it was decided that a Greek-letter name be adopted to provide more overall appeal. Accordingly, the Greek letters Tau Kappa Epsilon were selected. The petitioning of Phi Delta Theta continued, and similar to the result in 1902, petitions were either withdrawn or defeated.

The turning point for Tau Kappa Epsilon to become its own national fraternity took place in 1907 when Frater Wallace G. McCauley presented his "Opportunity Out of Defeat" speech. The following is an excerpt from this speech:

"Interwoven about the sentiments of our name and our pin, and engrained in the fiber of every member is the Teke spirit - a spirit typical of our fraternity - a spirit that does not shrink from sacrifice, that knows no defeat, a spirit indomitable. A spirit which if breathed into a national Tau Kappa Epsilon would spread our organization throughout the schools of our country..."

"But if we keep Tau Kappa Epsilon intact, the Teke spirit... will flow on forever... Let us not lack faith in this project."

As is illustrated above, noteworthy events took place during the initial years of our Fraternity's existence, which shaped the foundation of the Fraternity, and established its trajectory moving forward for 126 years. The "spirit indomitable" that was conveyed in Frater McCauley's speech is in essence the "Spirit of the Fraternity"; that transcends over time. This spirit has allowed us to survive challenges over the life of the Fraternity and now to be in a position of strength. We have experienced appreciable growth within the Grand Chapter, represented by an increase in the number of initiates and average chapter size. Our efforts in expansion, resulting in the birth of Emerging Chapters and ultimately celebrating chapter Re-chartering's, has been record setting. We now must leverage our current position, address and mitigate shortcomings, inspire additional gifts to create further leadership programming for our collegiates, develop Affinity Groups to enhance Alumni Engagement, implement innovative training for our staff and volunteers, and lastly, and possibly most importantly, become more financially self-sustainable.

Tau Kappa Epsilon does not impose alumni dues, as do many fraternities. Our donor base is approximately 1% of our total living alumni of nearly 250,000, or approximately 2,500 Fraters. As a fraternity, we must expand our fundraising efforts such that this revenue can be utilized in part for additional leadership programming of collegiate members. The Grand Chapter has grown to over 11,000, and Leadership Academy, Province Forums, and Regional Leadership Conferences reach approximately 2,000 members annually. The Grand Council, the governing body of Tau Kappa Epsilon, is working in collaboration with the TKE Foundation to provide a strategy to increase our revenue over the next three to five years. Again, to secure the future of the Grand Chapter and its membership. My humble request would be to pay back your positive and life altering experience, and invest in others desiring that same experience. The appropriate vehicle to facilitate this is the Life Loyal Teke Fund.

One of my best decisions in life was to attend the University of Missouri-Rolla and join Tau Kappa Epsilon. I believe that nearly all of us can make the same claim regarding the university or college one attended and joining Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Many of our college friendships began with TKE and have been sustained throughout our lifetime. The good fortune to act on that opportunity to become a member of the greatest fraternity on earth has resulted in our personal benefit and development. What we experienced on the undergraduate level and bonds that exist today with our Fraters aligns with the "Fraternity for Life" statement each of us recited at the altar when formally committing our Fraternity. Why then would we not want others to follow us, and provide for the same unique opportunity that we had? Taking that into account, please consider giving of your time, talent and treasure in perpetuating our Fraternity, 300,000 plus members strong, as it enters the next 125 years of its existence.

Happy Founders' Day Fraters, and please take a moment to reflect back on what transpired that night in January of 1899 in Bloomington, Illinois where five (5) undergraduate students at Illinois Wesleyan University founded the Knights of Classic Lore which became Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity. This Fraternity has provided its members the means to have a positive and rewarding collegiate experience, has shaped and developed our leadership skills, and established within us the essential ethics, morals and principles that we live by and carry forth throughout our life time.

Fraters, I love the Fraternity.

Michael J. McEvilly

Grand Prytanis - Tau Kappa Epsilon

For more information, please contact:

Tom M. McAninch
Chief Communications Officer
317-872-6533 ext. 228

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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