Memorial Day 2016
Memorial Day is an opportunity to honor the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our country. As communities across the United States celebrate parades, family gatherings and the unofficial beginning of summer, the Offices of the Grand Chapter asks all citizens to take an opportunity to have a moment of silence for our fallen heroes.
All Fraters who have engaged in defending peace and freedom by serving their country's armed forces (not limited to the United States and Canada) are encouraged to join the Order of the Shield. The Order is a unique way for Fraters who have served in the military to recognize each other and form a unique bond.
Learn more about the Order of the Shield

We will always remember and be grateful for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.