Teke Guide Available Online
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind, -The newest edition of The Teke Guide is online for members to download or print off copies for their new member education. All you need to do is go to the Membership Maintenance Module and select “Chapter Resources” on the left-side column once logged on. On the right is what you are looking for once logged on to the MMM.
The new and improved Teke Guide has several additions to look over. There are expanded sections on the history, TKE Coat-of-Arms, programming, etiquette in the 21st Century and much more. All of the 196-pages are full of important information that every member should know about this organization.
If you are not a new member, but would like to receive a copy once the books are in email us. The cost is $20.
We have had many delays in production of this vital tool for members and sincerely apologize for this issue. We are expecting hard copies to be in mid-April and will send all candidates that are owed this publication immediately.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Offices of the Grand Chapter. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Be sure to follow the latest TKE News with the RSS Feed, on Twitter or the official TKE Facebook Fan Page (Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity).
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.