Chapter Advisors
The Chapter Advisor must establish and maintain a close relationship with the chapter, and be seen as a mentor, and friend. Being a friend of the chapter is the basis for success as Chapter Advisor. Friend here means one who has gained the respect and confidence of the undergraduate chapter. Fraters should feel free to approach you for guidance in any matter, personal or fraternal.
Without respect and friendship, your relationship with the chapter may become strained and unproductive. Remember, friendship is more than simply being liked. Occasionally, you may have to act or take a stand on a particular issue that the chapter won't like. Strive to be liked by the chapter, but it's more important to be respected.
A Chapter Advisor does not operate the chapter, but rather helps the chapter become self-sufficient. To be truly helpful to the chapter, you must void doing things that they should be doing for themselves. The Fraters will learn more when they take your suggestions and act on them for themselves. This will also nurture a positive Advisor-Chapter relationship.
Chapter leadership changes annually, so the Chapter Advisor is the key individual who provides the continuity that keeps the chapter on the road to success. You will know of the past pitfalls and blunders made in chapter projects, and can draw on these experiences to avoid repeating past mistakes. In this sense, the Chapter Advisor is the stabilizing force in the progression toward chapter goals.