THE TEKE - Fall 2015 Release / Winter Content Due
INDIANAPOLIS – On October 19, 1907, Frater Wallace G. McCauley recited an address that forever changed the trajectory of the Fraternity. This speech - accurately titled "Opportunity Out of Defeat" - set the principles of Tau Kappa Epsilon. "Let us issue a magazine, quarterly at first, name it THE TEKE, make it attractive and artistic in form," said McCauley in the address. "Let it be piquant and virile in tone, representative of our Fraternity, and a reflector of student life generally."
Following Frater McCauley's proclamation, THE TEKE was born January 1908. Since then, through two World Wars, the Great Depression and other countless obstacles, the Fraternity's magazine has thrived.
Today, we are excited to release the fall issue of THE TEKE.
This issue is a 48-page testament to the spirit of the Fraternity. Particular highlights include a look back at the 2014-15 TKE award winners, upcoming Province Forums and Triangle Summits, and a sitdown with one of the Fraternity's most decorated members, Frater Ray Franklin. Featured in this issue is a recap of Conclave 2015 in New Orleans.
View THE TEKE online today at
Winter Magazine Content Due – Do you have a story or event to share with TKE Nation? Content for the winter edition of THE TEKE is due October 15, 2015. You can email content to Digital photos must be at least 300 dpi in resolution or on a digital camera's highest quality setting. Please include information about events, community service projects and other notable achievements.
We are also seeking nominations for the following:
Volunteer of the Month – With hundreds of volunteers aiding in the Fraternity's development and growth, we look forward to recognizing three individuals who go above and beyond in helping chapters and colonies achieve excellence. Submit your recommendation for Volunteer of the Month to We ask you provide roughly 350-400 words describing the individual and what they have done to earn Volunteer of the Month. Please include a photo of the individual with your nomination.
Greek Life Administrator of the Quarter – Do you have a Greek Life Administrator on your campus who has been an influential figure in the success of your chapter or colony? Send us your nomination for Greek Life Admin of the Quarter to Please include roughly 350-400 words describing the individual and what they have done to earn Greek Life Administrator of the Quarter.
Everyday TKE Hero – Who is your Everyday TKE Hero? We want to know who in TKE Nation has inspired you to through acts of Love, Charity and Esteem. Submit your 250-300 word nomination to
#IAMTKE – Do you want your Facebook posts, Tweets or Instagram photos featured in THE TEKE? Use #IAMTKE and tell us what you're doing on your campus or in the community to represent TKE. We'll be asking questions on our social media outlets throughout the month so be on the lookout.
For more information, please contact:
Daniel Klopfenstein
Communication Specialist