Santos Lara Jr.

Santos Lara Jr.

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 283

Chief Growth Officer

University of New Hampshire


As Chief Growth Officer I am responsible for the growth and development of strategic partnerships and revenue generation for Tau Kappa Epsilon. In this role I network with universities, non-profit organizations, and companies in an effort to increase the necessary resources and opportunities to further the mission of TKE. I oversee our apparel and intellectual property ensuring trademark usage on products and apparel aligns with our branding and standards. Additionally, I oversee our expansion and growth efforts. Working to secure opportunities to bring TKE to new colleges and universities, return TKE to campuses where we have previously thrived, and enhance the operations of groups that are currently chartered and active. Above all I work to further the mission of Tau Kappa Epsilon to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life.

About Me

I attended the University of New Hampshire, where I was initiated into the Alpha-Nu chapter in 2011. I held the offices of Epiprytanis and Prytanis, in addition I am a graduate of TKE Leadership Academy XXVlll. I completed my time at UNH in December of 2015 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Program and Event Management. Since then, I have lived in Indianapolis, Boston, Salt Lake City and now reside back in my home state of New Hampshire.

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

Being outdoors and active is a big part of my life. You can find me surfing the closest waves or charging a mountain ski slope. Whether biking, hiking or running, I find solace in nature. I also enjoy the company of my fiancé, friends, family, and good Fraters.

Why You Should Contact Santos Lara Jr.

  • Chapter Operations - Awards
  • Chapter Operations - GreekBill
  • Chapter Operations - Ritual (How To)
  • Chapter Operations - Start a Chapter
  • Communications - Corporate Partnerships
  • Communications - Logos
  • Fraternal Services - Schedule a Visit
  • Materials - Apparel
  • St. Jude - Fundraising Ideas