Angie Estrada

Angie Estrada

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 230

Accounts Payable Specialist


As Accounts Payable & Collegiate Finance Specialist, I am responsible for the Fraternity’s payable and receivable systems. My responsibilities include the following but are not limited to: coordinate TKE chapter billings throughout the year, research refund requests, and record cash receipts. I manage and process staff expense reports and reimbursements as well as reimbursements for volunteers. I assist with account reconciliations and provide additional support as needed.

About Me

I was born in Greenfield, IN and raised in Gas City IN. After graduating from high school, I joined the U.S Army. I met my husband while stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC, and from there, we lived in several different states as well as living in Amberg, Germany for four years. We have been married for 30 years and have one son who resides in Indianapolis as well.

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

I am a self-proclaimed beach lover and go as often as time permits. I enjoy camping as well and in general, enjoy being outside as much as possible(not in the snow though). Time spent with my family and friends is frequent, and I look forward to that every chance I get. I love Indianapolis Colts football, animals, and kids.

Why You Should Contact Angie Estrada

  • Chapter Operations - Accounts Receivable
  • Chapter Operations - Payment Plans
  • Chapter Operations - Refunds
  • Chapter Operations - Reimbursements