Pete Dawson

Pete Dawson

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 249

Regional and Alumni Director

New York Institute of Technology


I support our Collegiate Chapters and Alumni Associations in the Northeast. I work to support local and regional volunteer teams in their efforts to advise and ensure the long-term success of our collegiate chapters. I help our collegiate chapters develop plans for recruitment, education, service and philanthropy. I engage our campus partners to help keep alignment with our mission to aid men in mental, moral and social development for life. I strive to keep alumni connected and create valuable experiences with their fellow alumni Fraters, chapters and collegiate members, and with the Fraternity as a whole. I support individual alumni from young to young-at-heart, and the alumni associations to recruit and support active volunteers who work at various levels of the organization.

About Me

I was initiated into Xi-Gamma Chapter at the New York Institute of Technology. As a collegiate Frater, I held the positions of Hypophetes and Prytanis. Prior to joining the Professional Staff, I have served as Chapter Advisor, Board of Advisors Chairman, Province Advisor, and Grand Province Advisor. I worked to assist struggling chapters, support successful chapters, and to charter new chapters. I am a life Loyal Teke Champion, recipient of the TKE Key Leader Award, Order of the Silver Maple Leaf, and Foundation Medal of Excellence. I am a proud donor to the TKE Educational Foundation (Foundation Ambassador).

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

I enjoy spending time outdoors with friends and family hiking, kayaking, and exploring. I enjoy reading and spend time each day focused on continuous improvement.

Why You Should Contact Pete Dawson

  • Alumni Associations - Renewing Alumni Associations
  • Alumni Associations - Start an Alumni Association
  • Chapter Operations - Annual Reports
  • Chapter Operations - Awards
  • Chapter Operations - Ritual (How To)
  • Fraternal Services - New Member Education
  • Fraternal Services - Schedule a Visit
  • Membership - Honorary
  • Programs - Province Forums
  • Recruitment - Event Ideas
  • Stay Connected - Become a Volunteer
  • Stay Connected - Fraternity for Life