Casey Carson

Casey Carson

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 250

Database Specialist


As the Database Specialist for TKE my primary tasks are to maintain the accuracy of the database, work with Chapters and Chapter Volunteers on updates or changes of information, and assist staff with a variety of needs.

About Me

I am a native of Indiana. I’ve travelled most of the southwestern states with family and I graduated from Arsenal Technical High School from their Medical Magnet program. I am working to obtain a double licensure in Elementary Education and Special Education.

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

I enjoy watching football particularly the Colts and the Chiefs. Most of my free time is consumed with raising my two sons, and my niece. When I get the chance I enjoy camping, reading, and online gaming.

Why You Should Contact Casey Carson

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