Help Find Dollars Raised

Through the TKE Module, chapters have been doing an excellent job at reporting the dollars they have raised for St. Jude. This has allowed the Offices of the Grand Chapter to confirm with St. Jude that every dollar raised is properly counted for.

Unfortunately, after working with our St. Jude representatives, the Offices of the Grand Chapter has found that the following chapters have reported a higher amount on their KRA than what St. Jude has received. To correct this issue, please contact TKEHQ at Please include in the email any receipts you may have received or the check number, date, and amount that was submitted. 

Chapters on the list below have reported more dollars on the TKE Module than what St. Jude has received. 

For more information, please contact:


ChapterSchoolMissing $
DeltaKnox College$138.00
Theta-TauMinnesota State University, Mankato$1,874.00