Tau Kappa Epsilon Thanks Clayton Miller for His Years of Service

Tau Kappa Epsilon Thanks Clayton Miller for His Years of Service

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Tau Kappa Epsilon thanks Frater Clayton Miller (Rho-Upsilon, Franklin) as he departs the TKE Professional Staff after more than three and a half years of dedicated service.

Frater Donald E. Aldrich, TKE's Chief Executive Officer, shared "I am incredibly proud of Clayton and his new professional opportunity. He has shown tremendous work ethic and growth during his time at TKE. He has positively impacted our operation in countless ways. The Southern Region is excelling due to his selfless dedication to advancing our mission and coaching our members toward their potential. I know he will stay involved as a volunteer and remain a critical contributor to building a Championship Culture within TKE."

Since 2021, Frater Miller has been an integral member of the Fraternal Services team on the Professional Staff. Frater Clayton started his career on the TKE Professional Staff as an Associate Regional Director. He later served as a Senior Regional Director and departs staff as a Region 2 (South) Director.

As a Regional Director, he had a direct responsibility for membership growth, expansion, education, volunteer management and recruitment. Frater Miller shared, "This is a bittersweet moment to be leaving staff. I’m proud of all the successes that Region 2 has seen over my time on staff. It’s an indescribable feeling to see the impact you can have on TKE Nation in a role at the Offices of the Grand Chapter. I was blessed with a great opportunity to grow as a professional and as a man. I will cherish the time I have spent here and look forward to taking this next step in my TKE journey."

Help us in thanking Frater Clayton Miller for all he has done to ensure TKE has continued to excel and we wish him all the success in the world.

If you know someone or are interested in serving the Fraternity in this role, please visit TKE.org/Careers. Serving on the Professional Staff of Tau Kappa Epsilon provides you an opportunity to develop your skills and contribute them to the Fraternity on a global scale.

For more information, please contact:

Tom M. McAninch
Chief Communications Officer
317-872-6533 ext. 228

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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