Frater Santos Lara, Jr. Elevated to Chief Growth Officer

Frater Santos Lara, Jr. Elevated to Chief Growth Officer

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Tau Kappa Epsilon is proud to announce the promotion of Santos Lara, Jr. (Alpha-Nu, New Hampshire) as Chief Growth Officer. Frater Santos is a Life Loyal Teke and Knight of Apollo who has served for eight years on the TKE Professional Staff as Fraternal Services Consultant, Associate Regional Director, and Regional Director.

As Chief Growth Officer, Frater Santos is responsible for the growth and development of strategic partnerships and revenue generation for TKE. This role will network with universities, non-profit organizations, and companies in an effort to increase the necessary resources and opportunities to further the mission of TKE. He oversees all TKE apparel and intellectual property ensuring trademark usage on products and apparel aligns with our branding and standards. In addition, he oversees expansion and growth efforts, working to secure opportunities to bring TKE to new colleges and universities, return TKE to campuses where we have previously thrived, and enhance the operations of groups that are currently chartered and active.

Chief Executive Officer, Donald E. Aldrich said, "We are thrilled to promote Frater Santos to our Senior Management team in this critical role. In order to take TKE to the next level, we need to cultivate and develop strategic partnerships to multiply resources for leadership and member development, operations, and enhance the value of Tau Kappa Epsilon. His consistent track record of success and magnificent obsession for TKE will serve the Fraternity for years to come."

Frater Santos is a Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy XXVIII graduate, Order of the North, and Order of the South Award recipient.

"Tau Kappa Epsilon has played a huge role in my formation as a leader both personally and professionally," Frater Santos said. "TKE recognizes that growth is a key to sustain and enhance all facets of our Fraternity. I’m looking forward to expanding current efforts and finding innovative solutions that will enhance membership in this outstanding organization."

On behalf of the TKE Nation, we congratulate Frater Santos on his promotion!

For more information, please contact:

Tom M. McAninch
Chief Communications Officer
317-872-6533 ext. 228


The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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