THE TEKE Spring 2019: App picks from your Fraternal Services Team

THE TEKE Spring 2019: App picks from your Fraternal Services Team
Greg Roskopf

Gregory A. Roskopf

Chief Risk Officer

Most Used Apps

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Podcasts are a terrific way to stay current with industry trends and to learn from experts. My commute to work is around 20 minutes each way, and that allows me plenty of time to stay current with my favorite channels. The other apps I use to stay in touch with family, friends, members and my personal interests.

Favorite Apps

  • FaceTime
  • ESPN
  • Sheepshead, the Game

I use FaceTime to communicate with my family while I'm gone. My son Philipp is old enough now where he can take the phone himself and chat about his day. ESPN is great for keeping up with my sports teams and any sports related news. Sheepshead is a game my family has played for generations. It also helps to have apps I can use in airplane mode before takeoff.

Santos Lara

Regional Director

Most Used Apps

  • Google Maps
  • Fly Delta
  • Instagram

I constantly find myself traveling around whether it be for work or pleasure and Google maps helps me get to where I need to go. The app is simple and easy to use with options for multiple routes, including public transit and biking.

Favorite Apps

  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Snapchat

I enjoy Instagram the most out of any social media app. I find it’s easier to grab quick updates form pictures and captions rather than scrolling through long Facebook posts. This app helps me stay connected with both my personal and professional interests.

Santos Lara
Todd Farmer

Todd Farmer

Senior Regional Director

Most Used Apps

  • Candy Crush
  • Bricks n Balls
  • Facebook

From my top used Apps, you can deduce I like cheap fun and want to know what others are doing!

Favorite Apps

  • Candy Crush
  • Bricks n Balls
  • Facebook

Why would I spend time on an App  I don’t like?  Clearly, my favorite Apps are the ones I use the most!  I will say; running in a close 4th is Panda Pop.  You gotta help save the babies!

Zach Scott

Director of Fraternal Growth

Most Used Apps

  • Instagram
  • Tinder
  • Snapchat

Instagram has always been a fun way of seeing what other friends are up to and how people want themselves to be perceived. But the real reason I enjoy it and use it so often is because I get to keep up with my closest friends who make genuine posts about what’s going on lately for them rather than a facade that so many other IG users are known for portraying.

Favorite Apps

  • Snapchat
  • Bird
  • Instagram

Since I already went over Instagram, Snapchat is probably my other favorite app followed closely by Bird. Snapchat is just another way I can keep up with my family, fraternity brothers, and close friends despite the geographic distance between us. Snapchat is a great way to fill in the blanks left by some of the other apps like messages or Instagram and see what’s going on in the lives of those you care about.

Zach Scott
Chris Niles

Chris Niles

Alumni Engagement Director

Most Used Apps

  • Facebook
  • Messages
  • Mail

Favorite Apps

  • IMBD
  • TripIt
  • BallBlast

I enjoy looking at trivia for movies and shows – usually when I’m watching – which annoys my family when I want to talk to them about it.

Shane McClure

Associate Regional Director

Most Used Apps

  • Safari
  • Twitter
  • Pandora/Spotify

I use Reddit pretty often for news and current event info, and Twitter for the color commentary on those current events and news. Keeps me connected to what’s going on but with the hilarious content that prevents me from being too cynical. Also, I listen to music all the time with a wide range of genres, so I need two different apps for that.

Favorite Apps

  • Pandora/Spotify
  • Clash of Clans
  • Safari

I use pretty much all of these when I’m not working to have fun and distract myself. Clash is a new one for me that I have heard much about, but it does test patience waiting for things and prioritizing certain items.

Shane McClure
Ethan Wells

Ethan Wells

Associate Regional Director

Most Used Apps

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Favorite Apps

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

I’m not one to post on any platform that much, but being on the road all the time I like to see what my friends and family are up to. It usually comes up in topic when I’m at a family gathering or meeting up with old friends, as I’ll bring up something about them I’ve seen on social media. Twitter, for me, is a great platform to get all the relative information that I enjoy hearing about all in one place. I get most of my sports information and daily news from different accounts I follow on Twitter. (It also seems to be the place information comes the fastest.)

Nick Kimble

Director of Expansion

Most Used Apps

  • Messages
  • Maps
  • Instagram

Messages and Maps are no brainers. In working for the Fraternity and communicated with our newest colonies, they are a necessity. This job requires you to always be on the go in different parts of the country and to be in constant communication with our collegiate members. Instagram is just fun!

Favorite Apps

  • Podcast
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

I believe it is incredibly important to stay informed on what is going on in the world and to continually better yourself. Listening to, reading articles, or just hearing what people are doing in regards to best practices in health and wellness really fascinate me. Plus, when you are constantly talking to people like we are in our jobs, it is really nice to stop talking, listen, and read!

Nick Kimble

For more information, please contact:

Garrett Thomas
Director of Communications
317-872-6533 ext. 252

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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