TKE Succeeds Again
The TKE Nation is growing stronger - thanks to you. Much like a muscle reacts to hard work put in each day, the power of Tau Kappa Epsilon is increasing. This is not limited to recruitment and manpower, it includes all aspects of "Better Men for a Better World." Some hear and say this phrase without fully understanding the impact they are having. Now, results back it up.
The last two biennium's have been as good as advertised. Records continue to be set at a higher level and this year was no exception. The key areas TKE measures its strength are Membership (total collegiate members), Initiates, Education (total members in attendance for a TKE program), Philanthropy (dollars raised for all service organizations including St. Jude Children's Research Hospital), Community Service, Alumni Development (increasing the number of alumni associations), Academics (number of groups above a 2.5 GPA), and Campus Involvement (number of collegiate members involved in something other than TKE, i.e. Student Government). Here is how it breaks down.
TKE Success Continues
2010 |
2011 |
Membership |
10,444 |
10,810 |
Initiates |
3,537 |
3,618 |
Education |
1,786* |
1,482 |
Philanthropy |
$660,513 |
$891,576 |
Community Service |
200,438 |
253,511 |
Alumni Development |
n/a |
24 New AA's |
Academics |
n/a |
83% +2.5GPA |
Campus Involvement |
n/a |
91% +50% of |
*732 men attended Conclave in 2009 during '09-'10 fiscal year
**Of reporting chapters
The next year looks to be an even better year with results of historical proportions. Many new programs, initiatives, and announcements will be shared at the 56th Conclave in San Antonio, Texas. You don’t want to miss being a part of the largest gathering of Tekes ever. The Founders would be proud of where we have come since they began this organization. Honor their memory by your participation in the most important event they conceived.
For more information on Conclave, visit
Be sure to follow the latest TKE News with the RSS Feed, on Twitter or the official TKE Facebook Fan Page (Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity). Submit your news today.
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.