Tekes Make Their Mark on 'Nawlins
NEW ORLEANS, La. – "I'm amazed at the amount of work the Tekes accomplished in less than a half a day," said John Hopper, Chief Development Officer & Director of Public Affairs for New Orleans City Park. The more than 600 men team tackled the early morning heat, humidity, and the occasional fire ant hill clearing brush along Bayou St. John and spreading mulch along the path in Couturie Forest. 
With weedwackers, wheel barrels, shovels and more, Fraters took to the City Park on a mission. Even as menacing-looking clouds and thunder started to roll in, the men didn’t slow – in fact, they moved faster to complete the work. Drenched in sweat and covered in mud, the Tekes took shifts loading and unloading brush and mulch.
By the end of it all, you could tell everyone was tired, but there was never a complaint to be found. “It always means so much more when you can see the difference you make in the end,” said Dan Schaefer (Sigma-Xi, St. Norbert College). “When we started it was very overgrown, but once we got everyone working it started getting done so fast.”
Even such Teke notables as Dennis “Buckwheat” Perry and newly-elected Grand Prytanis Herb Songer made it out to help keep the guys motivated. See the local media coverage of the event –
The Times-Picayune.
A very special Thank You goes out to all Fraters who participated in one of the largest TKE Service Days on record. Once again, you did an outstanding job and were an excellent ambassador for Tau Kappa Epsilon, the Greek Community, and your university.
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.