A Frater Remembered: Dick Adamek

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Emails have been pouring into the Offices of the Grand Chapter after learning of Frater Dick Adamek's passing. In each piece of correspondence, Fraters mentioned how selfless he was in his daily life and how much he lived the ideals of TKE. Below are a few selections from Fraters around the TKE Nation.
A memorial service is to be held Saturday, Oct 25, at 1:30pm in the Calaroga Terrace Chapel which is at 1400 NE 2nd Ave in Portland. The family asks that no flowers be sent. If you are so moved, you can make a donation in his memory to the TKE Educational Foundation. Frater Dick had set himself a goal of raising $10,000 for the chapter and had been telling everyone about how much progress he had made toward the goal with some recent fundraising events. Please mail all checks payable to the TKE Educational Foundation at 8645 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Please write in the memo field: Dick Adamek Memorial Fund.
Grand Prytanis Mark K. Johnson said, "This comes as a real surprise and causes me great sadness. Frater Dick was a model of lifetime service to our Fraternity. I am even more grateful, now, for the wonderful day I spent with Dick and the Portland Fraters last May. He did a wonderful job on this event, the 50th anniversary of Portland State, and was properly held in very high esteem by his local alumni group. We will all miss him tremendously."
Frater Scott Fraunfelder (Zeta-Kappa, Scroll 412) said, "I knew Frater Adamek for 20 years, being an alumnus of Zeta-Kappa Chapter where Frater Dick put in most of his time. He served as chapter advisor for me while I was Crysophylos and Prytanis, and I saw him regularly since through ongoing events. I can say with the highest degree of confidence that he lived and breathed TKE, and was one of the finest humans I've ever met. I, along with several others from Zeta Kappa and Tau chapters had seen Dick just six days prior at a fundraising dinner for the chapters, and it was both business and fun as usual. To hear this news is surreal. Godspeed, Frater Adamek!"
Frater Sean Reilly (Zeta-Kappa, Scroll 511) said, "Frater Dick Adamek was a great man. He was my Chapter Advisor. He will truly be missed. He was good for the fraternity and if it weren't for him, Zeta Kappa would have been dead long ago."
Read More about Frater Dick Adamek by clicking here . Please continue to send in your thoughts by clicking here .
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