Frater Byrd Remains Upbeat Despite Hospitalization

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - U.S. Senator and Frater Robert C. Byrd (Alpha-Pi, George Washington University) remains hospitalized for treatment of a urinary tract infection.
Spokesman Jesse Jacobs said Monday that doctors continue to monitor the new antibiotics the 90-year-old West Virginia Democrat is taking.
Byrd was admitted to the undisclosed hospital March 5th after having an adverse reaction to his original medication. Byrd was temporarily hospitalized the previous week at Walter Reed Army Medical Center after falling at his Virginia home.
Jacobs says Frater Byrd's family members are reporting that the senator is upbeat and continues physical therapy.
Frater Byrd is the longest-serving senator in U.S. history. As president pro tempore, he's third in line to the presidency. He chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Pictured on the right, Fraters from Theta-Delta (Fairmont State University) chatted with Frater Byrd following a speaking engagement at the institution. Frater Byrd spent several minutes talking about the fraternity and his life with the gentlemen of Theta-Delta.
If you would like to send Frater Byrd a message, click here.
Adapted from Huntington Herald-Dispatch Online Edition. If you would like to see your chapter news here, contact Communications Coordinator Tom McAninch.
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