Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity

Top Teke

Please send all nominations to tkeogc@tke.org


The award for Top Teke is presented to a senior or graduate student (who has not earned the recognition before) for outstanding performance as a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. In order to be considered, the following must be submitted with this application:
  1. Official copy of their transcripts
  2. Resume, detailing their extracurricular, Fraternal, and work experience
  3. High-quality head-and-shoulders photograph (color preferred) for publication in The TEKE magazine. Digital images must be at least 300dpi.
    *If you have any questions about image requirements, email the Offices of the Grand Chapter at tkeogc@tke.org.
In addition, we will accept up to a maximum of 3 letters of recommendation from any of the following:
  • Chapter Advisor
  • Board of Advisors Member
  • Greek Advisor
  • TKE Staff Member
  • Chapter Leaders
  • Community Leaders
  • Business Leaders
  • Professors or Administrators
To be recognized as a Top Teke, the candidate must meet the following minimum requirements:
  • Graduating Senior or Graduate Student who has not yet received this award
  • Grade point average must be at or above 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Must be in good standing with your chapter
  • must be in good standing with your College or University
  • Demonstrate positive leadership in at least one other campus organization OR community organization

Application open through: 03/01/2025 12:00 AM - 05/16/2025 03:00 AM EST

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