Founders and Windy City PEC
When: December 4, 2011
The Founders and Windy City Province Education Conference is coming soon and everyone is invited (collegiate & volunteers) to attend.
When: December 04, 2011, 12-5PM
Where: Eureka College, Eureka, IL
What: Don’t let the word conference scare you…this is a fun event! This is a one day event for brotherhood, fun and connecting with other Fraters in your area. Learn some new tricks to become a better colony/ chapter and discover what others are doing to be successful in the TKE Nation. There will be leadership speakers, a ritual workshop and TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS). It all wraps up with a brotherhood event at the Iota Chapter House. The cost is free aside from your travel to and from the event, so carpooling is a must and a lunch. Crash with some fellow Fraters nearby and be a part of the empire within. Be safe traveling, jump in a car and begin your advancement as a Teke. See you at the PEC!
Who to contact: Associate Regional Director Jesse Ramirez
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