Sexual Assault Awareness Month

News Archive

Denim Day 2016 News

Denim Day 2016

By Daniel K. / April 27, 2016
Gear up for Denim Day by wearing jeans with a purpose to support survivors and educate yourself and others about sexual assault.
Changing the Culture Through Campus Engagement News

Changing the Culture Through Campus Engagement

By Daniel K. / April 18, 2016
Sexual assault continues to pervade our society’s culture. It’s on us as a society to combat this narrative and step up to change the culture.
Whitman College Tekes Take a Stand Against Sexual Violence News

Whitman College Tekes Take a Stand Against Sexual Violence

By Daniel K. / April 4, 2016
The Alpha-Theta chapter at Whitman College provides insight to how they opened dialogue and changed campus culture around sexual violence.
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