Claim Your Social Media Icon & Help Us Find Our Lost Brothers

Claim Your Social Media Icon & Help Us Find Our Lost Brothers

INDIANAPOLIS - For the past several months, Tau Kappa Epsilon has been working to develop an online platform that allows Fraters to easily update contact information so they are able to stay in contact other Fraters and the Fraternity for Life. Our goal was to design a user-friendly platform that allowed Tekes to update their contact information and the contact information of their peers. The result of the Fraternity's efforts was nothing less than spectacular. 

The "Lost Brother" page is easily accessible and requires minimal effort. As we work to reconnect with our esteemed alumni, the Fraternity will be better suited to share tailored information to specific groups. Additionally, we hope to reconnect Fraters with local alumni associations and events. 

You will find that some groups have more missing information than others as the years have gone by. We ask that you visit your own page and fill in as much information as possible. Additionally, feel free to share the link with your chapter or alumni association groups. Together we can find our lost brothers. 

Help Us Find Our Lost Brothers

You may have noticed last Sunday that the Offices of the Grand Chapter uploaded roughly 250 social media icons before they had quickly disappeared. It was our goal to quietly unveil these images and provide a slow rollout as we evaluated the presence of our chapters, colonies and alumni associations on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, well, Myspace.

After many positive messages, the Offices of the Grand Chapter created over 360 unique social media icons for chapters, colonies and alumni associations to utilize on various social media platforms. These 360 images are 1100 x 1100 pixel images that are best for Facebook, Twitter and other squared image holders.

Please note that the images included on Fraternity's official website are for every active chapter, colony and alumni association of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Alterations to these designs are prohibited. For requests or alterations, please email

Claim Your Social Media Icon Today

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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