Tom M. McAninch

Tom M. McAninch

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 228

Chief Communications Officer

Tempe, AZ


As Chief Communications Officer, I have the primary day-to-day responsibility for planning, implementing, managing and controlling all communication and marketing efforts with collegiates, alumni, and donors to the Foundation. This includes analysis and execution of social platforms, The TEKE, Marketing Materials, guides and handbooks, and much more. If you have a question or concern, I'm more than happy to help.

About Me

I was initiated at the Alpha-Zeta Chapter and transferred to Tempe, AZ helping to restart the Beta-Xi Chapter. Upon graduation I went into Radio News with a few different media companies in Arizona before joining the TKE Professional Staff as Communications Coordinator. I left staff in 2013 to pursue building an insurance agency. I'm returning to my passion and am focused on building upon the great advances made over the last decade.

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

Free time is rare in my household with my wife (Terese) and I sharing kid duties and responsibilities. Our three kids (Liam, Lucille, and Declan) are involved in every sport and extracurricular activity but, when I am able to, I squeeze in watching/ attending baseball (White Sox), football (Arizona Cardinals), college sports (ASU Sun Devils), and Soccer (Manchester City) matches/ games.

Why You Should Contact Tom M. McAninch

  • Communications - Logos
  • Communications - News/Events - Submitting/Sharing
  • Communications - Photos - Submitting/Sharing
  • Communications - Press/Media Inquiries
  • Communications - Social Media
  • Communications - THE TEKE Magazine
  • Risk Management - Chapter Emergency or Crisis