TKE 2015-16 Service Structure
INDIANAPOLIS - The following is a statement from Chief Executive Officer Donald E. Aldrich in regard to the 2015-16 Professional Staff structure:
I am writing to provide an update on an exciting upgrade to how we service our beloved Fraternity. The TKE model that we believe will give us the greatest success is outlined below.
- Moving from Four Regions to Two Areas - For many years we have had four regions. These regions have varied in size of both land area and chapters/colonies within. In a motion to get us closer to one TKE Nation, there will be two areas moving forward. The amount of men serving TKE Nation will not change. Previously, there were four Regional Directors along with four Fraternal Service Specialists working in specific regions. Each area will have four Professional Staff members assigned to them. There will be a Director of Operations for each Area along with three Specialists in defined topics of expertise. You can view a map of how the two areas are divided here.
- One area will be named Coastal. This Coastal Area will be led by Frater Travis Skodack who has worked in many parts of TKE Nation over the past few years.
- The second area will be named Central. This Central Area will be led by Nate Lehman who has served as the Regional Director in both the Midwest and South, which encompass this territory.
- Specialization - For many years we have sent our staff men to work in a specific area and asked them to handle almost every issue at the groups they were assigned to. Our leadership believes the best man for the task needed should be assigned to the job. Therefore, you will see Specialists within the Central and Coastal areas. These Specialists will lead in the improvement of Growth, Membership, and Performance.
- Our Growth Specialists will work with new groups and recently formed groups that are just getting off the ground.
- Our Membership Specialists will work with groups that are struggling with membership growth and membership issues stunting their ability to be the greatest TKE group possible on their campus.
- Our Performance Specialists will work with our top tier groups. Many of these groups have been the most neglected groups in TKE. They have performed for years and we have simply said “thank you” and moved on to a group that needed much more work and time. This will no longer be the case. Much as in every business or organization we are part of, if you are a frequent customer or high performer, you deserve and have earned attention. This will include groups that are on the precipice of becoming great. We have the ability to get "B" groups to "A" groups at a rapid rate with the leaders of this organization that includes you.
- Formation of Alumni Engagement Team - Our greatest weakness over time has been to continue the Fraternity for Life for the masses of men who have knelt at our altar and taken the bond of TKE. In an effort to address this challenge, we have appointed three men on our team that have the greatest experience and respect of our alumni. Frater Todd Farmer will lead this team and is joined by Frater Chris Niles and Frater Pete Dawson in this venture. Their task will be to engage men at every level. This means more men who want to volunteer, more men who want to simply re-engage socially with TKE, and more men who want to donate to improve the scholarships and programs we can offer. The engagement is at every level, not just men who will be our leaders. Everyone must remember why they joined and how this magnificent obsession has made us all better men.
- Flexibility of Staff - As I mentioned previously, we have seen in the past where folks are locked into a specific area. This will no longer be the case. It is possible to see a member of the Coastal Team working in the Central Area. While these staff men will work primarily in the area assigned, the best man for the job could mean area lines are crossed for the greater good of TKE.
I can only imagine the questions and concerns this can create. We have put together a frequently asked questions page to address uncertainties we believe you might have about this upgrade to our business model. If you have additional questions, please reach out to me. We have a tremendous opportunity to grow and thrive as an organization this year. We have taken many steps over the past year to identify which groups and men truly live TKE in their actions and which were simply using our letters to create a vision of TKE that our founders never intended. NOW is the time for us to build the organization that we know we can and should be. I am honored to lead an amazing Professional Staff team and am grateful for the trust you place in me to make TKE the greatest fraternity in the world! Thank you for all that you have done and do each day to aid us on our goal of building Better Men for a Better World.
Yours in the Bond,

Donald E. Aldrich
Chief Executive Officer
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.