Key Result Areas for TKE
Each academic year Tau Kappa Epsilon's Grand Council produces Key Result Areas for the entire TKE Nation. These are created to help keep the Fraternity stays on track as the world's largest and best in the Greek world. More importantly, it ensures that future generations of Tekes will have a solid foundation for years to come. Below are the benchmarks for the year. In addition, the Chapter Module lists what your chapter or colony needs to accomplish for us to hit the goals set. Let's knock them out of the park so you can dominate your campus and become a Top TKE Chapter.
The base line goals to stay on track are in gray and the ones in red will make TKE even better.
New Initiates - Recruitment is the lifeblood of the Fraternity. It ensures we have more new members to further enhance our diversity of perspective and experience making it even better than it is today.
Education Conference Attendees - Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy, Conclave, and Regional Leadership Conferences are ways of enhancing your TKE experience. Not only are you able to learn some tools for the chapter, you can gain skills for life after college and extend your Fraternity network.
Blueprint Groups - The Blueprint Program is an innovative and interactive program that leads participants through their collegiate career with a structure for life-long learning. The program has four levels members seek to attain: Initiation, Order of the Founders, Knights of Classic Lore, and Fraternity for Life.
Grade Point Average over 2.75 - You are in college to get a degree in a chosen field to pursue a specific career. It is paramount to concentrate on your studies so you can become another TKE success story.
New Alumni Associations - TKE is the Fraternity for Life and alumni associations are one way to extend this experience. It is also a great way to network and have fun as an alumnus.
Community Service Hours - As members, we have a responsibility to better the community where we live. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, conduct a campus clean-up or find another outlet, but make sure you are helping create a better world.
Dollars raised for St. Jude - We have committed to raising $1 Million for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This will help them continue to operate at no cost for a family affected by childhood cancer or catastrophic illness.
Campus Involvement - It is important to diversify your portfolio of experiences on campus for the next step of life. Getting involved in various clubs or participating in campus activities bolsters your resume to impress potential employers down the road.
Reduction of Major Incidents - Risk Management situations threaten the TKE way of life. By reducing the number of situations where your fellow Fraters are put in harms way helps keep the future of the Fraternity bright.
If you have any questions about this or how your individual KRA Scorecard was created in the Chapter Module, please contact us. You can download a PDF version of the KRA poster here.
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