TKE Fraternal Services Team Expands
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Building on a very successful 2011-12, the Offices of the Grand Chapter is proud to announce a number of promotions, additions and changes within the Fraternal Services Department. The structure has been modified to better serve the undergraduate members and chapters. Frater John Deckard (Chief Administrative Officer) is very excited about the coming year.
"The new staff members join an already high-performing team which will make an immediate impact on all facets of TKE life," said Frater John. "Shifting roles and responsibilities will help keep pushing this Fraternity beyond everyone's expectations."
New Staff Members
Anthony "Tony" Lawrence (Pi-Epsilon, Christian Brothers Univ.)
Frater Tony joins the staff as an Associate Regional Director for the Heartland (Region 3). A native of Arkansas, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering management from Christian Brothers University in 2011. He served the Pi-Epsilon chapter as Hypophetes (Chaplain) earning top fundraising honors from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and donating more than $15,000 to philanthropic causes during his tenure. He was also a student government senator for two years and Alpha Xi Delta Sorority's "Xi Man" (serving as their male campus representative).
Travis Skodack (Nu-Eta, Boise State Univ.)
A re-founding father of the Nu-Eta Chapter, Frater Travis held various roles including Prytanis as they moved from the stage of colony to chapter. On the campus of Boise State he was a Psychology Delegate for the student government, senator at-large, manager of the BSU Women's Basketball Team, and founder of the Boise State Water Polo Club. He earned a Bachelor of Science in psychology and a minor in Spanish. The Nu-Eta Chapter awarded him Top TKE member and Most Inspirational Member for 2010-11. He will be working in Region 4 (West).
As an Associate Regional Director, they are ambassadors of Tau Kappa Epsilon and the Offices of the Grand Chapter. They promote leadership in, and on behalf of, assigned collegiate chapters, colonies, and interest groups. They will be leaders in growing healthier groups. In addition, they will provide values based programming to the chapters, colonies, and interest groups within their region and educate members in the areas of leadership development, academic achievement, volunteerism, business principles, personal life
skills, and risk management issues.
New Positions
Fraternal Services Administrative Specialist
Lance Boehmer (Rho-Theta, Lake Superior State Univ.) and Darius Gary (Upsilon-Xi, Oakland Univ.) will fill the two spots available. They will be the frontline contact person to provide a consistent go-to man for the regions. Frater Darius will be work in of Regions 1 and 2, and Frater Lance will handle Regions 3 and 4. From planning, volunteer management, expansion and chartering assistance to organizing regional events and supporting TKE conferences, these men will help insure detail-oriented daily tasks are tackled. They will be a lead liaison between the chapters, volunteers and internal staff for the Associate Regional Directors and Regional Directors.
Structure of the Regions
There have been some promotions and shifting within the department as well to better align skill sets with personnel. Below are the Regional Teams for 2012-13.

Founded January 10, 1899 at Illinois Wesleyan University, Tau Kappa Epsilon is the world's largest social fraternity with chapters on more than 280 campuses in the United States and Canada. TKE has initiated more than 260,000 men since its founding. The Fraternity aims to build Better Men for a Better World.
For more information, please contact:
Thomas McAninch
Director of Communication & Public Relations