Frater Nominated to Education Commission Board
DENVER, Colo. - The Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) today announced the second slate of members of its 100 District Leaders for Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Network.
Taunton School Superintendent Dr. Art Stellar (Alpha-Beta) has been selected as one of the District Leaders for Civic Engagement and Service Learning Network. Dr. Stellar has promoted service learning locally with programs such as Taunton ninth graders tutoring fourth graders at Pole Elementary School. In addition, Dr. Stellar is chairman of the board of directors for the National Dropout Prevention Network/ Center which operates out of Clemson University. Service Learning is an effective strategy to reduce dropouts.
"Taunton has a tradition of service learning which is an excellent base upon which to build," stated Dr. Stellar. "Senator Marc Pacheco has been a strong advocate of service learning and has certainly helped support this goal in Taunton and around the state."
Thirty individuals - 15 district superintendents and 15 school board members - were selected from a national pool of applicants based on their leadership and commitment to integrate and sustain quality citizenship education and service-learning in K-12 schools. They join 44 previously selected Network members in a national cadre of district-level administrators and policymakers advancing the civic mission of American education through policy, practice and infrastructure. The final 26 Network members will be selected and announced in fall 2007.
Network members will meet February 28 at the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference on Education in New Orleans. The meeting will focus on research and the implications research has for quality practice leading to student achievement. AASA and the National School Boards Association (NSBA) join NCLC in sustaining this national network.
Network members will deepen support for citizenship education and service-learning in their districts, and broaden awareness of the importance of these issues by writing articles, conducting workshops at state and national conferences and hosting policy forums.
"We are pleased to welcome this new cohort of District Leaders Network members to our distinguished cadre of policymakers and leaders. Our constituents have acknowledged the critical link between state education policy and district implementation leading to student achievement," said Roderick Chu, ECS Interim President. "I applaud these leaders' commitment to the civic mission of education and to student engagement. Their collective voice will make an invaluable contribution to accountability and achievement in American education."
NCLC was formed in 1997 at ECS to assist state and district policymakers and education leaders identify, develop and implement policies to support student academic and civic achievement. It is led by a board of chief state school officers, district superintendents, state legislators and national education leaders. NCLC is supported by funds from The Bay and Paul Foundations, Inc., the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the State Farm Companies Foundation.
Frater Art has been a regular donor to the TKE Educational Foundation and was Alumnus of the Year in 1993. The Offices of the Grand Chapter send a heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Art Stellar on his nomination to this elite group of superintendents.
Adapted from the Education Commission of the States Press Release. If you would like to see your chapter news here, contact Communications Coordinator Tom McAninch.